available on the Internet, (for example, at www.trunkscanner.com).
In the past, groups that transmit frequently, such as police departments, could transmit on only a few frequencies. This resulted in heavy traffic and often required
Your scanner lets you easily hear both the call and response transmissions for that 2- way radio user and therefore follow the con- versation. For EDACS and Motorola (above 406 MHz range), the scanner monitors the control channel between each transmission to identify talk groups.
Your scanner automatically mutes the audio during trunk scanning when it decodes con- trol channel data. However, we recommend you turn SQUELCH clockwise and leave it set to a point just after the hissing sound stops. This lets the scanner quickly acquire the data channel.
You program trunking frequencies the same as
•You can scan only one type of trunked frequency, either EDACS or Motorola in a bank. You can, however, mix conven- tional channels and frequencies in a bank.
•If you are programming trunked frequen- cies for Motorola Type I and hybrid sys- tems, you must first program the fleet map (see "“Programming Fleet Maps” on Page 33).
•If you are programming frequencies for an EDACS system you must store them in the Logical Channel Number order (usually listed as LCN#). For example, LCN1 would go into channel 01 for the current bank, and LCN2 would go into channel 02.
Follow these steps to program trunked fre- quencies:
1.Press PROG and press (or hold down) 8 or 9 to select the bank.
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Bank |
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Note: To move through the banks one at a time, repeat the sequence of PROG, FUNC then 8 or9 until you reach the desired bank. To move through the bank selection faster, press PROG then FUNC and hold down 8 or 9.
2.Press TRUNK to enter the ID program mode.
3.Repeatedly press MODE to select )+0 for Motorola, or ! for the EDACS (GE/ Ericsson) system to scan. This sets the
Trunking Operation | 31 |