Ham Radio Frequencies
Ham radio operators often transmit emer- gency information when other means of com-
munication break down. The chart below shows the frequencies the scanner receives that ham radio operators normally use:
Wavelength | Frequencies (MHz) |
Birdie Frequencies
Every scanner has birdie frequencies. Bird- ies are signals created inside the scanner's receiver. These operating frequencies might interfere with transmissions on the same fre- quencies. If you program one of these fre-
quencies, you hear only noise on that frequency. If the interference is not severe, you might be able to turn SQUELCH clock- wise to omit the birdie.
This scanner's birdie frequencies (in MHz) are:
VHF Low Band (MHz)
VHF High/Air Band (MHz)
114.7500 | 127.500 | 129.025 | 129.150 |
138.240 | 141.315 | 144.3850 | 147.455 |
150.530 | 153.5975 | 156.675 | 159.7425 |
162.820 | 165.750 | 165.890 | 168.965 |
168.990 | 171.250 | 172.035 |
A General Guide to Frequencies | 39 |