Honeywell pioneered the concept of airline reconfiguration and partitioned software for datalink systems in the early 1990s. The reconfiguration concept has continually evolved and improved as each new product has been introduced. Reconfiguration started in the industry with the Honeywell Mark II ACARS unit, and expanded with the
There are three primary databases contained with the Mark III CMU. The AMI database defines the airlines AOC functions. This is the database that either Honeywell or the Airline can create, and update at any time, using a PC based tool (GBST). The second database is the HGI database. The HGI is a database similar to the AMI, but contains information that is considered by certification authorities as requiring certification control. As an example, ATC messages and the corresponding MCDU screens are defined in the HGI database. The HGI database is only modifiable by Honeywell, and does require changes to be under certification control. The third database is the FIDB database. This database defines the mapping between external (input) parameters received from other subsystems on the aircraft and the corresponding parameters used within the CMU as well as in the GBST reconfiguration tool. The FIDB database approach provides a significant improvement over other previous reconfiguration systems, by allowing the CMU to have a single database for all aircraft types, with the FIDB defining aircraft differences. With this approach, single database part numbers can be used across an airlines complete fleet of aircraft, rather than separate database part numbers for each fleet type. Further information on these databases and reconfiguration are provided in the following sections.
4.1 FIDB
The Flexible Input Data Base (FIDB) is a cornerstone of the Mark III CMU database design. Aircraft parameter data for each aircraft type is captured in
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