Figure 1 Mark III CMU Front Panel
ARINC 607 defines the Aircraft Personality Module (APM) which contains all aircraft and system configuration information. The APM is external to the MARK III CMU and is a permanent fixture in the aircraft. Only one APM is required per MARK III CMU installation (one APM for each MARK III CMU mounting tray). The same APM part number is used on all aircraft in the fleet.
2.2 System Interfaces
The Mark III CMU supports an extensive set of interfaces. Many of these interfaces are specifically defined by ARINC 758. There are also a number of spare ARINC 429 ports available for additional devices as needed by the user. The Mark III CMU supports all of today’s ACARS interfaces used on today’s aircraft, with extensive capability for future growth.
| Table 1 | Mark III CMU Interfaces |
| |
| |
| Device |
| Interface | # | Baseline / | ||
| Specificati |
| Growth | |
| on |
| VHF Radio | 716 |
| Audio | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| VDR: Mode 0 | 750 |
| Audio | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| Mode A |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 3 | Baseline | ||||
| Mode 2 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 3 | Option | ||||
| Satellite Data Unit (SDU) | 741 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 2 | Baseline | |||||
| 761 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 2 (note 1) | Growth | |
| HF Data Radio (HFDR) | 753 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 2 | Baseline | |||||
| UHF |
| Audio | 1 | Growth | ||||||
| Mode S Transponder | 718A |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 2 (note 7) | Baseline | |||||
| Gatelink | 751 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Growth | |||||
| undefined |
| Ethernet 10BaseT | note 2 | Growth | |
| MCDU/MIDU | 739 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 3 | Baseline | |||||
| DCDU | undefined |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1/2 (note 5) | Growth | |||||
| CDU |
| 2 | Baseline | |||||||
| Printer | 740/744 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 1 (note 3) | Baseline (note 3) | |||||
| 744A |
| Ethernet 10BaseT | note 2 | Growth | |
| FMC | 702 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 2/3 (note 4) | Baseline | |||||
| 702A |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 2/3 (note 4) | Growth | |
| Performance Computer (PZ) |
| 1 | Growth | |||||||
| ACMS/DFDAU | 619/429 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| CMC/CFDS/CFDIU | 604/624 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| Cabin Terminal |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 2 | Baseline | ||||||
| Electronic Library (ELS) |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Growth | ||||||
| Cockpit Voice Recorder | 757 |
| Low speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Growth | |||||
| (CVR) |
| ||||
| GPSSU | 743 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| APM | 607 |
| 1 | Baseline | ||||||
| Dual CMU | 758 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1 | note 6 | |||||
| 1 | Growth | ||||||||
| DMT |
| 1 | Baseline | |||||||
| DLT |
| 1 | Baseline | |||||||
| Airborne Data Loader | 615 |
| High speed ARINC 429 | 1 | Baseline | |||||
| HONEYWELL Aerospace Electronic Systems |
| Page 8 |
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