There are a number of different types of objects that can be placed on a display. As an example, for the Main Menu, page prompts are used to link to other pages. The Main Menu also used a constant text string for the title. The Clearance Uplink display had RETURN and PRINT prompts as well as the ACCEPT, REJECT, and RESP REASONS action prompts.
The Response Reasons screen illustrates several other objects: mandatory entry box, optional entry box, and scrolling prompt. The mandatory entry box is indicated by boxes while the optional entry box is indicated with dashes. Alternatively, brackets can be used for optional data instead of dashes. A scrolling prompt object is preceded by a down arrow and provides the capability to scroll through a number of values. Figure 21 shows the values for the reject reason scroll prompt. The Reject Reasons page also utilizes conditional logic for field display. The optional entry box is only displayed for entry when the value of the reject reason is "other".
Figure 21 Reject Reasons Values
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