Energy Speaker Systems TAKE 5+1 owner manual Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB

Page 18



Ghjxnbnt bycnherwbb

Gthtl yfxfkjv =rcgkefnfwbb bpltkbz ytj,[jlbvj ghjxtcnm dct bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cj[hfyzqnt bycnherwbb

Bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb ytj,[jlbvj cj[hfyznm lkz gjcktle.ob[ cghfdjr7

J,hfofqnt dybvfybt yf ghtljcntht;tybz

Ytj,[jlbvj dsgjkyznm dct ghtljcntht;tybz9 erfpfyyst yf bpltkbb b d bycnherwbz[ gj tuj =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv

Ytj,[jlbvj cktljdfnm dctv bycnherwbzv gj =rcgkefnfwbb b gjkmpjdfyb.7


Gthtl yfxfkjv jxbcnrb dsymnt dbkre iyehf gbnfybz bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7 Yt gjkmpeqntcm ;blrbvb bkb f=hjpjkmysvb vj.obvb chtlcndfvb7 Lkz jxbcnrb bcgjkmpeqnt vzure. nrfym7

Vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz9 yt htrjvtyljdfyyst bpujnjdbntktv bpltkbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghtlcnfdkznm jgfcyjcnm7

Djlf b dkfuf

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt =njn fggfhfn d,kbpb djls — yfghbvth9 hzljv c dfyyjq9 hfrjdbyjq9 re[jyyjq vjqrjq bkb nfpjv lkz cnbhrb ,tkmz4 d gjldfkf[ c gjdsityyjq dkf;yjcnm. bkb hzljv c gkfdfntkmysv ,fcctqyjv7


Otkb b jndthcnbz yf rjhgect ghtlyfpyfxtys lkz dtynbkzwbb9 j,tcgtxbdf.otq yflt;ye. hf,jne bpltkbz b pfobne tuj jn gthtuhtdf9 gj=njve =nb jndthcnbz yt ljk;ys pfujhf;bdfnmcz bkb pfrhsdfnmcz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn hfpvtofnm yf rhjdfnb9 cjat9 rjdht bkb yf lheujq fyfkjubxyjq gjdth[yjcnb9 nfr rfr ghb =njv vjuen pfujhf;bdfnmcz dtynbkzwbjyyst jndthcnbz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn ecnfyfdkbdfnm d pfvryenst j,≤tvs9 nfrbt rfr ryb;yst gjkrb bkb zobrb9 pf bcrk.xtybtv jcj,s[ ckexftd9 rjulf d yb[ j,tcgtxbdftncz ljcnfnjxyfz dtynbkzwbz bkb rjulf =nj hfphtityj d bycnherwbz[ bpujnjdbntkz7

Bcnjxybrb gbnfybz

+nj bpltkbt cktletn gjlcjtlbyznm r bcnjxybre gbnfybz njkmrj njuj nbgf9 rjnjhsq erfpfy yf abhvtyyjq nf,kbxrt7 Tckb Ds yt pyftnt gfhfvtnhjd =ktrnhjctnb d Dfitv ljvt9 j,hfnbntcm r Dfitve lbkthe bkb d vtcnye.

=ktrnhbxtcre. rjvgfyb.7 Lkz bpltkbq9 hf,jnf.ob[ jn =ktvtynjd gbnfybz bkb lheub[ bcnjxybrjd9 cv7 Herjdjlcndj gj b[ =rcgkefnfwbb7

Pfptvktybt bkb cj,k.ltybt gjkzhyjcnb

+nj bpltkbt vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfyj gjkzhbpjdfyyjq ctntdjq dbkrjq 5c rjynfrnysvb gkfcnbyfvb hfpkbxyjq ibhbys87 Gjkzhbpjdfyyfz ctntdfz dbkrf ghtlyfpyfxtyf lkz j,tcgtxtybz ,tpjgfcyjcnb7 Nfrfz dbkrf ,eltn dcnfdkznmcz d hjptnre =ktrnhjctnb njkmrj d jlyjv gjkj;tybb7 Tckb dbkrf yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre gjkyjcnm.9 gjgsnfqntcm gthtdthyenm dbkre7 Tckb dbkrf gj-ght;ytve yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre9 j,hfnbntcm r rdfkbabwbhjdfyyjve =ktrnhbre7 Yb ghb rfrb[ j,cnjzntkmcndf[ yt yfheifqnt gjkzhbpfwb. dbkrb7

Pfobnf iyehjd gbnfybz

Iyehs gbnfybz ljk;ys ghjrkflsdfnmcz nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s yf yb[ yt yfcnegfkb b yt pfltdfkb b[ rfrbvb-kb,j ghtlvtnfvb9 hfcgjkj;tyysvb hzljv c ybvb9 j,hfofqnt jcj,jt dybvfybt yf iyehs d,kbpb intgctkmys[ hfp≤tvjd b vtcnf ds[jlf bp bpltkbz7


Yt gthtuhe;fqnt hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb b elkbybntkmyst iyehs9 nfr rfr =nj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7

Gjgflfyyt dyenhm ghtlvtnjd b ;blrjcntq

Ybrjulf yt dcnfdkzqnt ybrfrbt ghtlvtns dyenhm rjhgecf xthtp jndthcnbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghbrjcyenmcz r =ktvtynfv9 yf[jlzobvcz gjl jgfcysv yfghz;tybtv9 bkb dspdfnm rjhjnrjt pfvsrfybt9 xnj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt ghjkbdfqnt yf bpltkbt ybrfrb[ ;blrjcntq7


Yt gsnfqntcm dsgjkyznm nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt bpltkbz cfvjcnjzntkmyj9 nfr rfr jnrhsdfybt bkb elfktybt rhsitr vj;tn ghbdtcnb r gjgflfyb. gjl jgfcyjt yfghz;tybt b lheubv jgfcyjcnzv7

Bcnjxybrb ntgkf

+nj bpltkbt cktletn hfpvtofnm dlfkb jn bcnjxybrjd ntgkf9 nfrb[ rfr hflbfnjhs9 ntgkjdst pfdtcs9 gtxb bkb lheubt ghb,jhs 5drk.xfz ecbkbntkb89 rjnjhst dsltkz.n ntgkj7

Gththsds d bcgjkmpjdfybb

Tckb fggfhfn yt ,eltn bcgjkmpjdfnmcz d ntxtybt lkbntkmyjuj gthbjlf dhtvtyb9 dbkre iyehf gbnfybz cktletn dsybvfnm bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7

Gjdht;ltybz9 nht,e.obt j,cke;bdfybz

Rdfkbabwbhjdfyysq gthcjyfk ljk;ty ghjdtcnb nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt =njuj bpltkbz d nt[ ckexfz[9 rjulf6

(A)Gjdht;lty iyeh gbnfybz bkb dbkrf4

(B)Dyenhm fggfhfnf gjgfkb ghtlvtns bkb ;blrjcnm4

(C)Fggfhfn gjgfk gjl lj;lm4

(D)Gjzdbkbcm ghbpyfrb ytbcghfdyjcnb fggfhfnf bkb ghjbpjikb pfvtnyst bpvtytybz tuj [fhfrnthbcnbr4

(E)Bpltkbt ehjybkb bkb gjdht;lty tuj rjhgec7

“ENERGY”, =v,ktvf the “ENERGY”, the “Take 5+1”, the “Take 5+1” =v,ktvf b “API Accessories” zdkztncz njhujdsvb vfhrfvb Audio Products International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic” b “Dolby Digital Surround” — njhujdst vfhrb Kbwtypbhjdfyys[ Kf,jhfnjhbq Dolby. “DTS” njhujdfz vfhrf Digital Theater Systems Inc.


Vs c ujhljcnm. ghbdtncndetv dfc rfr yjdjuj dkfltkmwf ENERGY Uhjvrjujdjhbntktq7

ENERGY uhjvrjujdjhbntkb zdkz.ncz htpekmnfnjv j,ibhyjuj bccktljdfybz lkz frrehfnyjq pderjdjq htghjlerwbb ,fcf b ghtlcnfdkz.n cj,jq dtleoe. uhfym d lbpfqyt b bcgjkytybb cf,deathf7 Njyxfqibt rjvgjytyns b rf,bytnyst vfnthbfks d cjxtnfybb cj ckj;ysvb ghjwtlehfvb ghjbpdjlcndf b rjynhjkz rfxtcndf ufhfynbhe.n vyjuj ktn bcrk.xbntkmyjuj aeyrwbjybhjdfybz b eljdjkmcndbz ckeifntk.7

Gj;fkeqcnf9 dybvfntkmyj ghjxbnfqnt dct bycnherwbb9cjlth;fobtcz d =njv herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s ,snm edthtyysv d njv9 xnj dfif cbcntvf ghfdbkmyj ecnfyjdktyf b aeyrwbjybhetn yjhvfkmyj7

J,zpfntkmyj dybvfntkmyj hfcgfreqnt dfie cbcntve7 Cj[hfybnt rfhnjyye. rjhj,re b egfrjdjxysq vfnthbfk lkz lfkmytqituj bcgjkmpjdfybz7


Ceotcndetn ldf vtnjlf9 c gjvjom. rjnjhs[ ds vj;tnt cjtlbybnm dfi Vbhf; cf,death c felbj3dbltj cbcntvjq7 Gthdsq — =nj “Cjtlbytybt cbuyfkf dscjrjuj ehjdyz”9 f dnjhjq — “Cjtlbytybt cbuyfkf ybprjuj ehjdyz”7 Rjvgjytyns dfitq cbcntvs lflen pyfnm9 rfrjq vtnjl

bcgjkmpjdfnm7 Jlyfrj cjtlbytybt cbuyfkf dscjrjuj ehjdyz vj;tn ,snm bcgjkmpjdfyj k.,sv byntuhbhjdfyysv ghbtvybrjv bkb ecbkbntktv7


Bcgjkmpjdfybt cjtlbytybz cbuyfkf dscjrjuj ehjdyz 5Cv7 Lbfuhfvve !87

Yf pflytq xfcnb Vbhf; cf,deathf yf[jlbncz ,kjr9 yfpsdftvsq 1Dscjrbq ehjdtym27 +njn ,kjr cjlth;bn ldt gfhs cjtlbybntktq uhjvrjujdjhbntkz7 B[ cktletn cjtlbybnm c ds[jlysvb cjtlbybntkzvb dfituj ecbkbntkz bkb felbj3dbltj ghbtvybrf7 Rf;lfz gfhf cjtlbybntktq bvttn wdtnjdjq rjl6 xthysq3rhfcysq7

GHBVTXFYBT6 +nb cjtlbybntkb ghbven ghjdjlf uhjvrjujdjhbntkz hfpvthjv lj !*7

GJVYBNT6 Dctulf cjtlbyzqnt rhfcysq c rhfcysv b xthysq c xthysv9 rjulf jceotcndkztncz cjtlbytybt ecbkbntkz3ghbtvybrf c cf,deathjv7 Tckb ds ytjcnjhj;yj bpvtybnt jlby bp cjtlbybntktq 5yfghbvth6 rhfcysq c xthysv89 nj pfvtnbnt jncencndbt ,fcf d dfitv cf,deatht7

Bcgjkmpjdfybt “Cf,deathyjuj ds[jlf2 felbj3dbltjghbtvybrf bkb ghjwtccjhf 5Cv7 Lbfuhfvve @ — Cjtlbytybt cbuyfkf ybprjuj ehjdyz !87

+njn vtnjl bcgjkmpetn tlbybxysq dpfbvjcdzpfyysq rf,tkm c cjtlbybntkzvb nbgf RCA r RCA lkz cjtlbytybz ds[jlyjuj intgctkz cf,deathf bp felbj3dbltjghbtvybrf bkb ghjwtccjhf c d[jljv cf,deathf7 +njn vtnjl yt ecnhfyztn ybprb[ xfcnjn bp dfib[ jcyjdys[ uhjvrjujdjhbntktq9 b jyb ,elen ghjljk;fnm djcghjbpdjlbnm xfcnjns ,fcf7

Bcgjkmpjdfybt dytiytuj gtht[jlf 5Cv7 lbfuhfvve #7 Cjtlbytybt cbuyfkf ybprjuj ehjdyz @87

+njn vtnjl bcgjkmpetn tlbybxysq dpfbvjcdzpfyysq rf,tkm c cjtlbybntkzvb nbgf RCA r RCA lkz cjtlbytybz ds[jlyjuj intgctkz cf,deathf bp dytiytuj gtht[jlf r gtht[jlyjve d[jle cf,deathf7 +njn vtnjl j,[jlbn dcnhjtyyst htuekbhjdrb ehjdyz b gtht[jlf yf cf,deatht9 aeyrwbb cf,deathf rjynhjkbhe.ncz dytiybv gtht[jljv 5Lkz gjlhj,yjcntq cv7 Herjdjlcndj gj dytiytve gtht[jle87


Lkz ljcnb;tybz yfbkexib[ htpekmnfnjd ghb ecnfyjdrt dfitq cbcntvs9 ds,thbnt dfie gjpbwb. lkz ckeifybz b gecnm lheujq xtkjdtr jceotcndbn cktle.obt htuekbhjdrb6

!8 Yfcnhjbn htuekbhjdrb ehjdyz cf,deathf yf yektde. gjpbwb.7 Yfcnhjbn abkmnhjdjq rjynhjkm ybprjq ghj[jlbvjcnb cf,deathf yf %) Uw7 Yfcnhjbn htuekbhjdrb k.,jq uhjvrjcnb9 ,fcf3lbcrfynf b3bkb ehfdybdfntkz yf dfitv ghtlecbkbntkt bkb byntuhbhjdfyyjv ecbkbntkt3ghbtvybrt yf yjhvfkmye. bkb chtly.. gjpbwbb7

@8 Gjcnfdbn pyfrjvsq dfv rjvgfrnysq lbcr9 gkfcnbyre bkb dbltjajyjuhfvve9 rjnjhst cjlth;fn ceotcndtyyjt rjkbxtcndj ,fcf7

#8 Gjcntgtyyj dhfoftn rjynhjkm ehjdyz cf,deathf gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt9 gjrf yt ljcnbuytn ytqnhfkmyjuj ,fkfycf vt;le ds[jljv uke,jrjuj ,fcf cf,deathf b dfibvb jcyjdysvb3cfntkkbnysvb uhjvrjujdjhbntkzvb7

$8 Vtlktyyj dhfoftn abkmnhjdjq rjynhjkm ybprjq ghj[jlbvjcnb cf,deathf gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt9 xnj,s ljcnbxm yfbkexitq cvtcb chtlytuj ,fcf c dfibvb jcyjdysvb3cfntkkbnysvb uhjvrjujdjhbntkzvb7 +nj ,eltn nf gjpbwbz9 rjulf ,fc cj[hfyztn ytghthsdysq bvgekmc b gjkyjne7


Image 18
Contents N e r s m a n u a l N e r s m a n u a l Important Subwoofer Safety InstructionsSET UP Calibration IntroductionPositioning & Connecting Your Energy Take 5 Speakers Subwoofer FeaturesRoom Acoustics Subwoofer Placement Limited Warranty PolicyN u e l d e l ’ u t i l i s a t e u r Raccordement DE L’ENCEINTE À UNE Chaîne AUDIO/VIDÉOÉtalonnage Enceinte D’EXTRÊMES-GRAVES Caractéristiques Enceinte D’EXTRÊMES-GRAVES CommandesEmplacement ET Raccordement DES Enceintes Energy Take Entretien DU BoîtierIntroducción N u a l d e s u s u a r i oDirectrices DE Seguridad Importantes Conexión DEL Bafle a UN Equipo AudiovisualAcústica DE LA Habitación Y Situación DEL Bafle Características Y MandosMandos Mantenimiento DEL AcabadoIntroduzione N u a l e d e l l ’ u t e n t eIstruzioni Importanti PER LA Sicurezza DEL Subwoofer Collegamento DEL Subwoofer AL Sistema AudiovideoAcustica Della Stanza E Collocazione DEL Subwoofer Caratteristiche DEL SubwooferRegolatori DI Funzionamento DEL Subwoofer Come Aver Cura Della FinituraEinleitung N u t z e r h a n d b u c hWichtige Subwoofer Sicherheitsanweisungen Anschluss DES Subwoofers AN EIN AUDIO/VIDEO-SYSTEMAkustik DES Hörbereichs UND Plazieren DES Subwoofers SUBWOOFER-MERKMALESUBWOOFER-REGELUNGEN Pflege DER BoxenIndledning U g s a n v i s n i n gVigtige Sikkerhedsreglerfor Bashøjttaler Tilslutning AF Bashøjttaler TIL AUDIO/VIDEO SystemRummets Akustik OG Anbringelse AF Bashøjttaleren Bashøjttaleren ER Udstyret MEDBashøjttalerens Kontrolknapper Vedligeholdelse AF OverfladerInleiding G e n a a r h a n d l e i d i n gBelangrijke Veiligheids Instructies Opstel VAN HET KaliberOnderhoud VAN DE Laklaag Kenmerken VAN DE UltralagetoonluidsprekersBedieningsknopen VAN DE Ultralagetoonluidsprekers Beperkte GarantiepolisIntrodução N u a l d o U t i l i z a d o rIinstruções DE Segurança Importantes do Subwoofer Conexão do Subwoofer a UM Sistema ÁUDIO/VÍDEOAcústica DA Sala E Posicionamento do Subwoofer Características do SubwooferControles do Subwoofer Colocação E Conexão DOS ALTO-FALANTES Energy DA Série TakeHerjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB Cdjqcndf CFDEATHF7 Diagram Specifications Warrantygarantie

TAKE 5+1 specifications

The TAKE 5+1 Energy Speaker System is a remarkable audio innovation designed for audiophiles and casual listeners alike. This compact yet powerful system is crafted to deliver an immersive sound experience that brings music, movies, and games to life in any environment. With its sleek design, the TAKE 5+1 combines modern aesthetics with cutting-edge technology, making it an appealing choice for those who appreciate both form and function.

At the heart of the TAKE 5+1 is its impressive five-speaker arrangement, which includes two front speakers, two rear speakers, a dedicated center channel, and a powerful subwoofer. This configuration ensures that sound is projected evenly throughout the room, creating an enveloping audio atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re part of the action. The rear speakers are engineered to enhance surround sound, allowing for precise audio placement and an enhanced cinematic experience.

One of the standout features of the TAKE 5+1 system is its use of advanced audio technologies. Equipped with high-fidelity drivers, the speakers reproduce a broad frequency range, ensuring that every note is captured in detail. The system also incorporates a state-of-the-art digital signal processor (DSP) that optimizes sound output based on the acoustic characteristics of the environment, adjusting dynamically to deliver the best possible listening experience.

Connectivity is another significant aspect of the TAKE 5+1. The system supports a variety of input options, including Bluetooth, optical, and HDMI ARC, making it easy to connect with televisions, gaming consoles, and mobile devices. This versatility allows users to enjoy their favorite media without the hassle of complicated wiring.

Additionally, the TAKE 5+1 features a user-friendly interface that simplifies operation. With intuitive controls and a remote, adjusting volume levels, switching between sources, and customizing audio settings is effortless, making it accessible for users of all technical backgrounds.

In summary, the TAKE 5+1 Energy Speaker System stands out with its blend of modern design, advanced audio technology, and user-friendly operation. Whether you’re looking to enhance your home theater setup or simply enjoy high-quality sound in your living room, the TAKE 5+1 provides an exceptional listening experience that caters to all needs and preferences. With its impressive features and dynamic sound performance, this speaker system is truly a worthy addition to any audio enthusiast's collection.