Atari XL manual File Selector, Basic Configuration

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The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual


What if you can’t remember which files are on the disk? LW has a file selector which is accessible from any filename input dialogue. Just press the <Tab> key when the program is waiting for a filename, and the file selector will appear, listing all the files in the current folder on disk.

Just highlight the file you want and press <Return> to load it. See “THE DISK MENU” in Chapter 4 for more information about the file selector.


You can configure LW to suit yourself. Pressing:

<SHIFT+CTRL+Q> Save configuration

will allow you to save the configuration to disk. The file will automatically be given the default extender CFG, and you should call the file LW.CFG if you want your new preferences to be available the next time you boot the program.

As described above, LW normally wraps words to the next line if they don't fit as you type. You can turn this feature off with:

<CTRL+W> Word wrap toggle


Image 11
Contents Last Word Contents Macros Configuring LW for Your PrinterConfiguring LW Programmers Technical Notes LW Command SummaryPrint Formatting Commands DOS Packages and LWOverview of the Last Word IntroductionLoading LW from Spartados About the ManualStarting LW SHIFT+CTRL+W Basic OperationEdit Screen LW LETTER.TXT Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual Filename exists Overwrite / ? Text BanksSaving and Loading Text SHIFT+CTRL+?Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual File Selector Basic ConfigurationCTRL+X Leaving the ProgramText Entry Modes Editor CommandsCursor Movement Delete ord, ine, entence, aragraph? Inserting and Deleting TextMoving and Copying with Text Blocks Hange, ll, To nd, kip? Finding and Replacing TextFind Change to Searching with WildcardsFindTH S Tabulation Additional Editor FeaturesEdited Text Indicator Counting WordsCTRL+B BookmarksText and Document Modes Wildcards Y User OptionsEditing Multiple Files LoadREPORT.DOC/C Handling Large Files2DTHESIS.TXT2 Save AsDREPORT.DOC/ACTRL+J Disk OperationsDisk Operations from the Editor Disk MenuOpy PecIew Vail OckOrmat SHIFT+CTRL+ Down Additional CommandsSubdirectory Features CTRL+HKeeping Track of Pagination Editor Print CommandsPrinting with LW Previewing TextL20r60helloReturn Embedded CommandsStage 1 Commands L20ReturnLast Word 3.0 Reference Manual Set the left margin. The default is Left header/footer margin, default 10. This works like Stage 2 Commands SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE Other Print FeaturesCreating Hanging Indents International CharactersConfiguring the Print Formatter Creating a Printer Driver Configuring LW for Your PrinterPrinter Drivers Init Print TogglesControl Strings Style 1,27,45,8 Style 2,27,83,2 Code 1,129International on 27,82,12 International OFF 27,82,0 Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual Loading Macros MacrosAutorun Macros Running MacrosWriting and Editing Macros Special Macro CommandsField. To actually get input from the user, you Must include Rint Oad AveOad Special Characters Disabling the Screen from MacrosKeyboard Conventions for Macros Entering Other Commands from MacrosSpecial Macro Font Creating and Editing Macros Font Set Example MacrosTranspose Characters Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual Configuration Options in the Editor Configuring LWCFG Configuration Files Drive D1 Default DriveBanks 1,2,3,4 Configuration Using a Supported DOSLW.SYS File Reserve Extpages Configuration Using Other DOS PackagesExtpages Reserve Banked onPath D8D1LW Search PathBanks 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Keyboard Buffer Using Multipe Text BuffersCustom Fonts KEY n,n Customising the KeyboardKeyboard Table Invalid KEY 150,3 Remapping Commands Using MacrosKEY 10,97 3 1200 XL Keys Memlo DOS Packages and LWMemory Requirements Atari DOS XELW TEST.DOC /M% /PD1LW DISK-BASED SpartadosSpartados LW files /Mc /Ppath /Q /XSET LWPATH=D8D1\LW Spartados X Memory ConfigurationsSpartados X Lwpath Environment Variable KEY OFF LW.EXE KEY onLast Word 3.0 Reference Manual Command Function Macro Equivalent LW Command SummaryEditor Commands Ctrl Y See SET CommandSHIFT+CTRL W Inverse Ctrl WKEY Function Special KeysINV CTRL+L Macro CommandsCommand Function INV CtrlDown Arrow Print Formatting CommandsCommand Function Default Value UP ArrowRight Arrow Left ArrowMemory Usage Assembly Language ADD-INSProgrammers Technical Notes SEC Program DesignWHY LW Came Into Being Development and Testing12-74 12-75 Development Correspondence