1.5.2 Jumper Locations
The MIC-3318 provides jumpers for configuring your board for specific applications other than the default settings.
Table 1-1 lists the jumper functions of MIC-3318. Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5 show the locations of the jumpers.
Table 1-1: MIC-3318 jumper descriptions
Number Function
1F-JP5(1,2) CompactFlash master/slave selection
1F-JP6(1,2,3) Clear CMOS
2F-JP1(1-18) COM1 Jumper setting (RS-232/422/485)
2F-JP2(1-18) COM2 Jumper setting (RS-232/422/485)
2F-JP3(1,2,3) LAN1 SEL(Rear I/O OR :Front Panel)
Figure 1-4: MIC-3318 jumper locations (1F)
Figure 1-5: MIC-3318 jumper locations (2F)