BarcoMed control panel operation
applications that are designed to work correctly with
Note: Ditherng is not used while in this mode. Also, direct access to the hardware through DirectDraw is not allowed in this mode.
User Modifiable Color Palette
This option allows applications to modify the palette contents dynamically. This mode reserves the first 10 and last 10 entries in the palette for the Windows operating system, but applications can manipulate the middle 236 entries. This is the standard palette mode as configured by Windows.
Static Gray Palette including standard system colors
This option sets the palette to be a static linear set of 236 gray values. The 20 standard system colors are converted from RGB to gray values and are added to the 236 static gray values. Applications are denied the ability to dynamically change or allocate palette entries.
Static Gray Palette with NO system colors
This option sets the palette to be a static linear ramp of 256 shades of gray. Applications are denied the ability to dynamically change or allocate palette entries.
Drawing Modes
In the Drawing Mode section you can choose from the following Drawing Modes. If any of the options in this section are grayed out, then they are not available for the model controller with which you are working.
Enable DirectDraw
This option allows the user to enable or disable DirectDraw. DirectDraw is a software interface that provides direct access to display devices