Digital Loopback: A technique used for testing the circuitry of a communications device. Can be initiated locally, or remotely (via a telecom- munications device). The tested device decodes and encodes a received test message, then echoes the message back. The results are compared with the original message to determine if corruption occurred en route.
Digital PBX: A Private Branch Exchange that operates internally on digital signals. See also "Exchange".
Digital Service, level 0 (DS0): The
Digital Service, level 1 (DS1): The 1.544M bps voice standard (derived from an older Bell System standard) for digitized voice transmission in North America. The 1.544M bps consists of 24
Digital Signal: A discrete or discontinuous signal, such as a sequence of voltage pulses. Digital devices, such as terminals and computers, transmit data as a series of electrical pulses which have discrete jumps rather than gradual changes.
Digital Signaling Rates (DSn): A hierarchical system for transmission rates, where "DS0" is 64K bps (equivalent to ISDN B channel), and DS1 is 1.5 Mbps (equivalent to ISDN PRI).
Digital Transmission: A method of electronic information transmission common between computers and other digital devices. Analog
signals are waveforms: a combination of many possible voltages. A computer's digital signal may be only "high" or "low" at any given time. Therefore, digital signals may be "cleaned up" (noise and distortion removed) and amplified during transmission.
Digitize: To convert an analog signal to a digital signal.
DIP switch (pronounced "dip switch"): A set of tiny toggle switches, built into a DIP (dual
Driver: A software module that interfaces between the Operating System and a specific hardware device (color monitors, printers, hard disks, and so on). Also known as a device driver.
Drop and Insert: The process where a portion of information carried in a transmission system is demodulated ("Dropped") at an intermediate point and different information is included ("Inserted") for subsequent transmission.
DTE (Data Terminating Equipment): A term used to include any device in a network which generates, stores or displays user information. DTE is a telecommunications term which usually refers to PCs, terminals, and printers.
E&M: A telephony trunking system used for either
EIA: The Electronics Industries Association is a trade organization in Washington, DC that sets standard for use of its member companies. (See
Encapsulation: A technique used by
Errored Seconds (ES): Any second of operation that all 1.544M bits are not received exactly as transmitted. Contrast "Error Free Seconds".
Error Free Seconds (EFS): Any second of operation that all 1.544M bits are received exactly as transmitted. Contrast "Errored Seconds".
ESF Error Event: A T1 error condition that is logged when a
Ethernet: A
Excess Zeros: A T1 error condition that is logged when more than 15 consecutive 0s or less than one 1 bit in 16 bits occurs.
Exchange: A unit (public or private) that can consist of one or more central offices established to serve a specified area. An exchange typically has a single rate of charges (tariffs) that has previously been approved by a regulatory group.
Exchange Area: A geographical area with a single uniform set of charges (tariffs), approved by a regulatory group, for telephone services. Calls between any two points within an exchange area are local calls. See also "Digital PBX", "PBX".
Exchange Termination (ET): The carrier's local exchange switch. Contrast with "Loop Termination - LT".
Explicit Congestion Management: The method used in frame relay to notify the terminal equipment that the network is extremely busy. The use of FECN and BECN is called explicit congestion management. Some
Extended Super Frame (ESF): One of two popular formats for framing bits on a T1 line. ESF framing has a