Reader Comment Form | 3Com Corporation |
Your comments concerning 3Com publications are important to us. Please take the time to complete this form. Your suggestions and comments will help us improve our future publications. Thank you.
Part No.
1 Please rate the quality of this publication in each of the following areas:
| Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor |
Technical Accuracy |
Does the product work as the |
manual says it does? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Illustrations |
Are they clear and useful? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Are there enough of them? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Organization |
Is it easy to locate information? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Completeness |
Did you find all the information you |
needed? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Examples |
Are they helpful? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
Are there enough of them? | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ |
2 How did you use this publication? (Check all that apply.)
Installation manual _____ | Introduction to subject _____ | |
Operating instructions _____ | Reference training _____ | Other _____ |
3If you noticed any errors or omissions, please list them with their page numbers.
4Any comments or suggestions? Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Name ______________________________________________________
Company ______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________________