The 10/100BASE-T4 PCI adapter connects your PCI-compliant personal computer to an Ethernet network wired with
IEEE 802.3 standard 10BASE-T or 100BASE-T4 twisted-pair cable. For information on the IEEE 802.3 standard as it relates to twisted-pair cable, refer to Appendix A.
The adapter interoperates with all 10BASE-T products and all 10/100 T4 adapters and hub products. It is compatible with 3Com’s SNMP network management software (Transcend® WorkGroup Manager).
The 10/100BASE-T4 PCI adapter (shown in Figure 1-1) can be installed in any PCI slot, either master or non-bus master. However, the adapter will produce higher levels of performance in a bus master slot.
Adapter LEDs 
Figure 1-1 10/100BASE-T4 PCI Adapter