Using NetWare ODI |
4When the AutoLink installation is complete, remove the diskette.
5Turn off the computer, install the second adapter, and connect the network cable to the adapter.
6Turn on the computer and access the C:\NWCLIENT subdirectory.
7In the C:\NWCLIENT subdirectory access the NET.CFG file by typing:
edit net.cfg
8Scroll through the NET.CFG file to the LINK DRIVER 3C59X section.
In the LINK DRIVER 3C59X section, you will see the
Link Driver statement that was created during the AutoLink installation process. A sample Link Driver statement is shown below:
Frame Ethernet_802.2
int 3
9Copy the Link Driver statement, paste it below the first statement, and edit it to reflect the second installed adapter. For example:
Frame Ethernet_II
int 11
The frame types (Frame Ethernet_802.2, Frame Ethernet_II), port designations (FED0, FEA0), and interrupts (int 3, int 11) shown above are examples; yours may be different. Refer to the section “Changing Software Settings” in Appendix B for instructions for changing interrupt levels.
Each frame type, port number, and interrupt must be different, as shown in the example above. Refer to Novell’s DOS ODI client manual for information on the frame types to use.