1. Getting Started
Printer Features
This printer is designed especially for office workgroups. It can be used in net- work environments and allows you to manage documents efficiently.
❖High Productivity
This printer comes with a 32 pages per minute (ppm) engine and offers a va- riety of paper handling options to handle documents efficiently. The sample print function*1 is one of the features provided for making multiple print sets and allows you to confirm that the finish is as expected before starting a long print run.
*1 Optional Printer Hard Disk Type 185 required.
❖Versatile Paper Handling Options
This printer offers both versatile input and output paper handling options. In- put capacity can be raised to 3,100 sheets with the optional paper bank (PS420) and the bypass tray (Type 270) to reduce the inconvenience of reload- ing paper. With the optional mailbox (CS370), you can specify up to five print
delivery destinations, including the standard output tray, to prevent your prints being mixed up with other peoples. In addition, collation*2 and sta- pling*2 are available with the optional finisher (SR510 or SR720).
*2 Optional Memory Unit TypeB (32 MB, 64 MB or 128 MB) or Printer Hard Disk Type 185 required.
❖Variety of Paper Media Support
Standard tray 2 and optional Bypass Tray Type 270 support a variety of print media such as thick paper*3, transparencies*3 and certain envelopes*3.
*3 For more information about the supported paper and other media, see “Pa- per and Other Media” in the Printer Reference included as a PDF file on the
❖Network Interface Board Standard*4
This printer comes with
*4 For more information about configuring the printer for a network, see the Operating Instructions for the Network Interface Board included as a PDF file on the
❖Adobe PostScript 3 Standard
In addition to PCL 6 emulation, Adobe PostScript 3 is provided as a standard feature. This feature can be used in Macintosh environments as well. Adobe applications can be printed properly and easily.