Save Settings
No Save - Return to index
Save as:Preset 1*
Preset 2
Preset 3
Preset 4
Preset 5
Press OK to edit- OK to save
All the settings you have made on the previous screens can be saved as a user profile and stored as one of five ‘Presets’. A choice of setup presets caters for different events such as movies or sport, and for different user preferences.
To make these customised settings easier to retrieve, you can give each preset a memorable name, such as ‘John’, ‘Jacky’, ‘Movies’, ‘Sport’, ‘Rock’, etc.
The presets store the complete setup of the AV8, including the modes used for each of the inputs and if they are in direct mode or not.
The presets can be used to create different listening preferences. You may wish to set up different presets for listening to music, watching DVD, watching TV material or for different listening positions.
To change the name of a preset, highlight it by using the navigation5 and6buttons. Press the OK button to edit. Using the5 and6navigation buttons, cycle through and select lower case letters (a…z), upper case letters (A…Z) and numbers (0…9). Move along the line using the3and4buttons.
When you are satisfied with the text you have written, press OK to save the preset name and to store the setup parameters under this name.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Settings must be explicitly saved before the unit is switched off, otherwise changes to the settings will be lost and the unit will need to be set up again.