Electricalenergy can performmanyusefulfunctions,but it can also cause personalinjuriesand propertydamageif improperlyhandled. This product has been engineered and manufacturedwith the highest priority on safety. But IMPROPER USE CAN RESULT tN POTENTIALELECTRICALSHOCKOR FIRE HAZARD.In order to preventpotentialdanger, please observethe followinginstructions wheninstalling,operatingandcleaningthe product.Toensureyoursafetyandprolongthe servicelifeof your LCDTV product,pleaseread thefollowingprecautionscarefullybeforeusingthe product.
4.Follow all
5.Do not use this apparatus near
Do not use immediately after moving from a low temperature to high temperature environment,as this causes condensation,which may result in fire, electric shock, or otherhazards.
6.Clean only with dry
place such as a bookcase or rack, unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer'sinstructionsarefollowed.
&Grounding or
10.Power cord