Polaroid FLM-3201 manual ImportantSafetyPrecautions

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Electricalenergy can performmanyusefulfunctions,but it can also cause personalinjuriesand propertydamageif improperlyhandled. This product has been engineered and manufacturedwith the highest priority on safety. But IMPROPER USE CAN RESULT tN POTENTIALELECTRICALSHOCKOR FIRE HAZARD.In order to preventpotentialdanger, please observethe followinginstructions wheninstalling,operatingandcleaningthe product.Toensureyoursafetyandprolongthe servicelifeof your LCDTV product,pleaseread thefollowingprecautionscarefullybeforeusingthe product.

1.Readthese instructions---Alloperatinginstructionsmustbereadandunderstoodbeforethe productisoperated.

2.Keepthese instructions---Thesesafetyandoperatinginstructionsmustbekeptinasafeplaceforfuturereference.

3.Heedall warnings---All warningsonthe productandinthe instructionsmustbeobservedclosely.

4.Follow all instructions---Alloperatinginstructionsmust befollowed.

5.Do not use this apparatus near water---forexample, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchensink,orlaundrytub, inawet basement,ornearaswimmingpool,andthelike.

Do not use immediately after moving from a low temperature to high temperature environment,as this causes condensation,which may result in fire, electric shock, or otherhazards.

6.Clean only with dry cloth---Unplug thisproductfromthe wall outlet beforecleaning. Do notuseliquidcleanersoraerosolcleaners.Usea dampclothfor cleaning.

7.Ventilation---Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturerinstructions.The vents andother openingsinthe cabinetare designedfor ventilation.Do not coveror block theseventsand openingssinceinsufficientventilation cancauseoverheatingand/orshortenthe lifeof the product.Do not placethe producton a bed, sofa, rugor other similarsurface,sincethey can blockventilationopenings.This productis not designed for built-in installation;do not place the productin an enclosed

place such as a bookcase or rack, unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer'sinstructionsarefollowed.

&Heat sources---Do not installnearany heatsourcessuchas radiators,heat registers, stoves,orotherapparatus(includingamplifiers)thatproduceheat.




&Grounding or Polarization--Do notdefeatthe safetypurposeof the polarizedorgrounding-typeplug.A polarizedplughastwo blades with onewider than the other.A groundingtype plughas two bladesand a third groundingprong. The wide blade or the third prong are providedfor yoursafety.Ifthe providedplugdoesnotfit intoyouroutlet,consultanelectricianfor replacementof theobsoleteoutlet.

10.Power cord protection--Protect the powercord frombeingwalkedonor pinchedparticularlyat plugs,conveniencereceptacles,and thepointwheretheyexitfromthe apparatus.

11.Attachments---Only use attachments/accessoriesspecifiedby the manufacturer.Do not use attachmentsnot recommendedby the manufacturer.Useofimproperattachmentscan resultinaccidents.

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Contents LCD Television Table of Contents Table of Contentscootioued FCC Caution ImportantinformationImportantSafetyPrecautions ImportantSafetyPrecautionscootiooe¢ Example of Antenna Grounding AS PER National Electrical Code Preparations Cable TV Catvconnection Llt!l AntAntennas Outdoorantenna ConnectionIdentificationof Controls Power dCHI VOL+Audiol Identificationof Controlscont noe¢Identificationof Controlscoot o d Power DInput LastIdentificationof Controls oot oo ¢ VCR ConnectionsConnections @ GeeoY ConnectionsDTV Receiver To Watch the PC screen How to connect Turningthe Unit On and Off Turningthe Unit On and OffViewingthe Menusand Displays TurningOffStoring Channelsin MemoryAutomatically Selectingthe Signal SourceMemorizingthe Channels Adding and ErasingChannels Memorizingthe Channelscootooe¢ChangingChannels Adjustingthe VolumeUsingthe Mute Basic Operations cootooe¢ Selecting InputSourceSignalSelecting a MenuLanguage VGAUsingthe PresetPicture Mode Setting PictureCustomizingthe Picture ImageAdjusting ScreenAspect Setting SystemVCR mode LoadingDefaultValuesAdjusting Clockand Phase Setting System contnoe¢Adjusting the PictureAutomatically Changingthe Positionof ImageDisplayingResolutionInformation Setting System contnoedAdjusting Phase Setting System in DVI Mode Setting System continoedUsingthe PresetSoundMode Setting SoundSetting SRS effect Customizingthe SoundAdjusting OSDTransparency AdjustingOn-ScreenDisplaySetting OSD Off Time ZoomingOSD MenuChangingChannelsfor the Tvpc Frame Selectingthe Signal Sourcefor the Tvpc FrameViewingthe Tvpc TVPCOperations cootooe¢ Adjusting the Size of Tvpc FrameChangingthe Positionof the Tvpc Frame ViewingPicture-by-PictureSettingSleepTimer UsingHotkeysSettingAudio Mode Topausethe PictureSetting CC When Mute Setting ClosedCaptionViewing Closed Captions TurningClosed Caption On or OffChild Lock Adjusting ChildLockSettingsMovieRating Mpaa NC-17 Noone 17ANDUNDERADMITTEDThetableabove Adjusting Child LockSettingscoot oo ¢TurningChild Lock On or Off Adjusting Child LockSettingscootooe¢Changingthe Password Adjusting CanadianFrench Rating Adjusting Child LockSettingscoot ooe¢Canadian Englishratingchart Canadian FrenchratingchartTroubleshooting LCD Displaypanel information Care and MaintenanceTo clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth Lcdtv SpecificationTFT-LCD NtscSpecification oot oo ¢ Direct Programming Setup Programming the Polaroid Universal Remote ControlThismethoddoes not require use of the Device Code Table Auto Code Search SetupCXC Remote Control ID Code ListAOC JCB JBLJVC KECMTC MGANAD NECSVA SSSTMK TVSHI-Q ABSCCE MEI STS 20558,20623,20867 20702Kenwood 20490,20534 20717,21020,21149KNC ABCSKY GOIHTS JVC UsdtvNEC DKKQED NSMSAE SastMCS 604=L32K56=00