Setting System in VGA Mode
Changingthe Positionof Image
Setting System (cont_noe¢
The unitallowsyou toadjustthe positionof thescreenifit is
1 Press MENUto displaythe menumainpage.
2 Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select System item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press = or,,,- toselect Hposition orV position item.
5 Press 4 or _ to adjustthe valueof
Adjusting Clockand Phase
1 Press MENUto displaythe menumainpage.
2 Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select System item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press = or,,,- toselectClock or Phaseitem.
5 Press _ or _ to adjustthevalueof the itemuntilthe screenis
Adjust the clock frequency of the set'sinternal clock signal. Ifshimmering or
Youmay find that images blur, depending on the clock phase of your PC'sProcessor. If you experience blurring, you can obtain a clearer image by adjusting the phase setting.
Adjusting the PictureAutomatically
1 Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.
2 Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select System item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press =or,,,- repeatedlyto select AutoAdjust item.
5 PressOKto confirm.
The unitautomaticallyadjustsphase,clockorposition,etc.
TheAutoAdjustfunctiononlyworkswhen thepictureisdisplayedin 16:9withfullscreen.