Polaroid FLM-3201 manual ImportantSafetyPrecautionscootiooe¢

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12.Stand--Use onlywiththe cart, stand,tripod,bracket,ortablespecifiedby the manufacturer,or sold with the apparatus. Do not place the producton an unstabletrolley, stand, tripod or table. Placingthe productonan unstablebasecan causethe productto fall,resultinginseriouspersonal ® injuriesas well as damage to the product.When mountingthe producton awall, besure to follow

the manufacturer'sinstructions. Use only the mounting hardware recommended by the manufacturer.

13.Move Carefully---When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combinationtoavoid injuryfromtip-over.Suddenstops,excessiveforceandunevenfloor surfaces cancausetheproductto fallfromthetrolley.

14. Lightning---Unplugthisapparatusduringlightningstormsorwhen unused for longperiodsof

time. For added protectionfor this televisionequipmentduring a lightning storm,or when it is left _'_ unattendedand unusedfor long periodsof time, unplugit from the wall outletand disconnectthe antenna.Thiswill preventdamageto the equipmentdueto lightningandpower-linesurges.

15.Servicing--Refer allservicingto qualifiedservicepersonnel.Servicingis requiredwhenthe apparatushas beendamagedin anyway, suchas power-supplycordor plugis damaged,liquidhas beenspilled or objectshave fallen into theapparatus,the apparatushas been exposedto rainormoisture,doesnot operatenormally,orhas beendropped.

16.Replacement parts---Incase the product needs replacement parts, make sure that the service person uses replacement parts specified by the manufacturer, or those with the same characteristics and performance as the originalparts.Useof unauthorizedpartscan resultinfire,electricshockand/orotherdanger.

17.Overloading---Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or convenience receptacles on other equipmentas thiscanresultinariskoffire orelectricshock.

1&Entering of objects and liquids---Never insertanobjectinto the productthroughventsoropenings. Highvoltageflowsinthe product, andinsertingan objectcan causeelectricshockand/orshortinternalparts.Forthesamereason,donotspillwaterorliquidontheproduct.

1&Damage requiring service---If any of thefollowingconditionsoccurs,unplugthe powercordfromtheAC outlet,and requestaqualified servicepersonto performrepairs.

a.Whenthe powercordorplugisdamaged.

b.Whena liquidis spilledontheproductorwhenobjectshavefallenintothe product. c. Whentheproducthasbeenexposedto rainorwater.

d.When the product does not operate properly as described in the operating instructions. Do not touch the controls other than those describedin the operatinginstructions. Improperadjustmentof controls notdescribedin the instructionscan causedamage,whichoften requiresextensiveadjustmentworkby aqualifiedtechnician.

e.Iftheproducthas beendroppedorthe cabinethasbeendamagedinanyway.

f.When theproductdisplaysan abnormalconditionor exhibitsadistinctchange inperformance.Any noticeableabnormalityinthe product indicatesthatthe productneedsservicing.

20.Safety checks---Upon completion of service or repair work, request the service technician to perform safety checksto ensurethatthe productis inproperoperatingcondition.

21.Wall or ceiling mounting---When mountingthe producton a wall or ceiling,be sure to installthe productaccordingto the method recommendedby themanufacturer.Thisisa safetyprecaution.


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Contents LCD Television Table of Contents Table of Contentscootioued Importantinformation FCC CautionImportantSafetyPrecautions ImportantSafetyPrecautionscootiooe¢ Example of Antenna Grounding AS PER National Electrical Code Preparations Antennas Llt!l AntCable TV Catvconnection Outdoorantenna ConnectionCHI Power dIdentificationof Controls VOL+Identificationof Controlscont noe¢ AudiolInput Power DIdentificationof Controlscoot o d LastIdentificationof Controls oot oo ¢ Connections VCRConnections Connections @ GeeoYDTV Receiver To Watch the PC screen How to connect Viewingthe Menusand Displays Turningthe Unit On and OffTurningthe Unit On and Off TurningOffSelectingthe Signal Source Memorizingthe ChannelsStoring Channelsin MemoryAutomatically Memorizingthe Channelscootooe¢ Adding and ErasingChannelsAdjustingthe Volume Usingthe MuteChangingChannels Selecting a MenuLanguage Selecting InputSourceSignalBasic Operations cootooe¢ VGACustomizingthe Picture Setting PictureUsingthe PresetPicture Mode ImageVCR mode Setting SystemAdjusting ScreenAspect LoadingDefaultValuesAdjusting the PictureAutomatically Setting System contnoe¢Adjusting Clockand Phase Changingthe Positionof ImageSetting System contnoed DisplayingResolutionInformationAdjusting Phase Setting System continoed Setting System in DVI ModeSetting SRS effect Setting SoundUsingthe PresetSoundMode Customizingthe SoundSetting OSD Off Time AdjustingOn-ScreenDisplayAdjusting OSDTransparency ZoomingOSD MenuSelectingthe Signal Sourcefor the Tvpc Frame Viewingthe TvpcChangingChannelsfor the Tvpc Frame Changingthe Positionof the Tvpc Frame Adjusting the Size of Tvpc FrameTVPCOperations cootooe¢ ViewingPicture-by-PictureSettingAudio Mode UsingHotkeysSettingSleepTimer Topausethe PictureViewing Closed Captions Setting ClosedCaptionSetting CC When Mute TurningClosed Caption On or OffMovieRating Mpaa Adjusting ChildLockSettingsChild Lock NC-17 Noone 17ANDUNDERADMITTEDAdjusting Child LockSettingscoot oo ¢ ThetableaboveAdjusting Child LockSettingscootooe¢ Changingthe PasswordTurningChild Lock On or Off Canadian Englishratingchart Adjusting Child LockSettingscoot ooe¢Adjusting CanadianFrench Rating Canadian FrenchratingchartTroubleshooting Care and Maintenance To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry clothLCD Displaypanel information TFT-LCD SpecificationLcdtv NtscSpecification oot oo ¢ Programming the Polaroid Universal Remote Control Direct Programming SetupAuto Code Search Setup Thismethoddoes not require use of the Device Code TableRemote Control ID Code List AOCCXC JVC JBLJCB KECNAD MGAMTC NECTMK SSSSVA TVSABS CCEHI-Q MEI STS Kenwood 20490,20534 2070220558,20623,20867 20717,21020,21149ABC KNCGOI HTSSKY NEC UsdtvJVC DKKSAE NSMQED SastMCS 604=L32K56=00