Polaroid FLM-3201 manual Turningthe Unit On and Off, Viewingthe Menusand Displays, TurningOff

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Turningthe Unit On and Off

Turningthe Unit On and Off

Turning On

Insertthe powercordintothewalloutlet.

Pressthe Power ',b buttonontheremotecontrol.

Theunitwill beturnedonandyouwill bereadytouseit'sfeatures.


Withthe poweron, pressthe Power burn onthe remotecontrolto turnoff.


Youcan alsousethe Power _I utton on thecontrolpanel on themainunit.

Viewingthe Menusand Displays

YourLCDTVhasa simple,easy-to-usemenusystemthatappearsonthescreen.Thissystemmakesit convenientandfast to usefeaturesontheunit. Theunitalso letsyou displaythestatusof manyof yourLCDTV features.

Viewing the Menus

1Withthe poweron, pressthe MENUbuttonon the remotecontrol.The main menuappearsonthe screen.The picturemenuis selected.

2 Usethe = or -,, to select menu item. Use _ or _ to adjustvalue of item. UseOK to confirm,enter submenuor togglethe settingsof the selectedmenu item.

youcan pressthe MENUbuttonrepeatedlyto exitthe menuoperations.


Toclearlyintroducethemenuoperations, this operationmanualprovides a descriptionbasedon operationwith theremote control.

Displaying Status Information

Pressthe DISPLAYbuttononthe remotecontrol,the unitwill displaycurrentstatusinformationsuch as channelnumber,audiomode or signalsource,etc.


Image 20
Contents LCD Television Table of Contents Table of Contentscootioued Importantinformation FCC CautionImportantSafetyPrecautions ImportantSafetyPrecautionscootiooe¢ Example of Antenna Grounding AS PER National Electrical Code Preparations Llt!l Ant Cable TV CatvconnectionAntennas Outdoorantenna ConnectionPower d Identificationof ControlsCHI VOL+Identificationof Controlscont noe¢ AudiolPower D Identificationof Controlscoot o dInput LastIdentificationof Controls oot oo ¢ Connections VCRConnections Connections @ GeeoYDTV Receiver To Watch the PC screen How to connect Turningthe Unit On and Off Turningthe Unit On and OffViewingthe Menusand Displays TurningOffStoring Channelsin MemoryAutomatically Selectingthe Signal SourceMemorizingthe Channels Memorizingthe Channelscootooe¢ Adding and ErasingChannelsChangingChannels Adjustingthe VolumeUsingthe Mute Selecting InputSourceSignal Basic Operations cootooe¢Selecting a MenuLanguage VGASetting Picture Usingthe PresetPicture ModeCustomizingthe Picture ImageSetting System Adjusting ScreenAspectVCR mode LoadingDefaultValuesSetting System contnoe¢ Adjusting Clockand PhaseAdjusting the PictureAutomatically Changingthe Positionof ImageSetting System contnoed DisplayingResolutionInformationAdjusting Phase Setting System continoed Setting System in DVI ModeSetting Sound Usingthe PresetSoundModeSetting SRS effect Customizingthe SoundAdjustingOn-ScreenDisplay Adjusting OSDTransparencySetting OSD Off Time ZoomingOSD MenuChangingChannelsfor the Tvpc Frame Selectingthe Signal Sourcefor the Tvpc FrameViewingthe Tvpc Adjusting the Size of Tvpc Frame TVPCOperations cootooe¢Changingthe Positionof the Tvpc Frame ViewingPicture-by-PictureUsingHotkeys SettingSleepTimerSettingAudio Mode Topausethe PictureSetting ClosedCaption Setting CC When MuteViewing Closed Captions TurningClosed Caption On or OffAdjusting ChildLockSettings Child LockMovieRating Mpaa NC-17 Noone 17ANDUNDERADMITTEDAdjusting Child LockSettingscoot oo ¢ ThetableaboveTurningChild Lock On or Off Adjusting Child LockSettingscootooe¢Changingthe Password Adjusting Child LockSettingscoot ooe¢ Adjusting CanadianFrench RatingCanadian Englishratingchart Canadian FrenchratingchartTroubleshooting LCD Displaypanel information Care and MaintenanceTo clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth Specification LcdtvTFT-LCD NtscSpecification oot oo ¢ Programming the Polaroid Universal Remote Control Direct Programming SetupAuto Code Search Setup Thismethoddoes not require use of the Device Code TableCXC Remote Control ID Code ListAOC JBL JCBJVC KECMGA MTCNAD NECSSS SVATMK TVSHI-Q ABSCCE MEI STS 20702 20558,20623,20867Kenwood 20490,20534 20717,21020,21149ABC KNCSKY GOIHTS Usdtv JVCNEC DKKNSM QEDSAE SastMCS 604=L32K56=00