Adjusting OSD Position
1 Press MENUto displaythe menumainpage.
2 Press = or,_ repeatedlyto select OSD item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select H Position or V Position item.
Press 4 or _ toadjusttheOSDposition.
Adjusting OSDTransparency
1 Press MENUto displaythe menumainpage.
2 Press = or,,- repeatedlyto select OSD item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select Halftone item.
5 Press 4 or _ to adjustthe OSDtransparence.
ZoomingOSD Menu
1 Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.
2 Press _ or,,- repeatedlyto select OSD item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press = or,,- repeatedlyto select Zoom item.
5 PressOK repeatedlyto select Normal orZoom.
Whenyouzoom in the OSDmenu, the Vposition item is unadjustable
Setting OSD Off Time
Thissettingallowsyouto setthe timethatthe OSDfor the mainmenuis displayedonscreen.
1 Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.
2 Press = or,,- repeatedlyto select OSD item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press = or,,,- repeatedlyto select OSD Off item.
5PressOK repeatedlyto select a propertime. Youmayselectbetween5seconds,10seconds,20seconds,50secondsor200seconds.
Youmayquicklyloaddefaultvalues byusingthe Default item.