Polaroid FLM-3201 Viewing Closed Captions, TurningClosed Caption On or Off, Setting ClosedCaption

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Viewing Closed Captions

The unit decodes and displays the closed captionsthat are broadcastwith certain TV shows. Thesecaptions are usually subtitlesfor the hearingimpairedor foreign languagetranslations.All VCRs record the closed captionsignal from televisionprograms, so home-recorded video tapes also provide closedcaptions. Most prerecordedcommercialvideo tapes provideclosed captionsas well. Check for the closed captionsymbolinyour televisionscheduleandonthe tape'spackaging:l_l.


TheCaptionfeaturedoesnot workwith YPbPr,VGA,OVI.

Notall theprograms and videoswilloffer closedcaptioning.Pleaselook for the[_ symbolto ensurethat captionswillbe shown.

TurningClosed Caption On or Off



Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.

Press = or,,, repeatedlyto select Setup item.

3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.

The CCD On/Off itemwill be highlightedautomatically.

4 PressOK to select On or Off.

Setting ClosedCaption





Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.

Press = or,,, repeatedlyto select Setup item.

PressOK to accessthe submenu.

Press = or,,- repeatedlyto select CCD mode item.

5 PressOK repeatedlyto select a desired mode.

YoumayselectbetweenCC-1,CC-2,CC-3,CC-4,T-l, T-2,T-3and T-4.

The ClosedCaptionbroadcastscan beviewedintwomodes:CAPTIONandTEXT.Foreachmode,four channelsareavailable.

The [CAPTION]modeshowssubscriptsof dialoguesandcommentariesofTV dramasandnewsprogramswhileallowingaclear view of thepicture.

The [TEXT] mode displays various information over the picture (such as TV program schedule, weather forecast, etc.) that is independentof theTVprograms.


Youmay quicklyselectCCDmodeby usingthe CAPTIONbuttondirectly:

Setting CC When Mute





Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.

Press = or,,, repeatedlyto select Setup item.

PressOK to accessthe submenu.

Press = or,,, repeatedlyto select CCwhen mute item.

5 PressOK to select On or Off.

Ifyou setthisitemto On, theunitdisplayclosedcaptionwhenyou mutethesound.


Image 36
Contents LCD Television Table of Contents Table of Contentscootioued Importantinformation FCC CautionImportantSafetyPrecautions ImportantSafetyPrecautionscootiooe¢ Example of Antenna Grounding AS PER National Electrical Code Preparations Llt!l Ant Cable TV CatvconnectionAntennas Outdoorantenna ConnectionPower d Identificationof ControlsCHI VOL+Identificationof Controlscont noe¢ AudiolPower D Identificationof Controlscoot o dInput LastIdentificationof Controls oot oo ¢ Connections VCRConnections Connections @ GeeoYDTV Receiver To Watch the PC screen How to connect Turningthe Unit On and Off Turningthe Unit On and OffViewingthe Menusand Displays TurningOffSelectingthe Signal Source Memorizingthe ChannelsStoring Channelsin MemoryAutomatically Memorizingthe Channelscootooe¢ Adding and ErasingChannelsAdjustingthe Volume Usingthe MuteChangingChannels Selecting InputSourceSignal Basic Operations cootooe¢Selecting a MenuLanguage VGASetting Picture Usingthe PresetPicture ModeCustomizingthe Picture ImageSetting System Adjusting ScreenAspectVCR mode LoadingDefaultValuesSetting System contnoe¢ Adjusting Clockand PhaseAdjusting the PictureAutomatically Changingthe Positionof ImageSetting System contnoed DisplayingResolutionInformationAdjusting Phase Setting System continoed Setting System in DVI ModeSetting Sound Usingthe PresetSoundModeSetting SRS effect Customizingthe SoundAdjustingOn-ScreenDisplay Adjusting OSDTransparencySetting OSD Off Time ZoomingOSD MenuSelectingthe Signal Sourcefor the Tvpc Frame Viewingthe TvpcChangingChannelsfor the Tvpc Frame Adjusting the Size of Tvpc Frame TVPCOperations cootooe¢Changingthe Positionof the Tvpc Frame ViewingPicture-by-PictureUsingHotkeys SettingSleepTimerSettingAudio Mode Topausethe PictureSetting ClosedCaption Setting CC When MuteViewing Closed Captions TurningClosed Caption On or OffAdjusting ChildLockSettings Child LockMovieRating Mpaa NC-17 Noone 17ANDUNDERADMITTEDAdjusting Child LockSettingscoot oo ¢ ThetableaboveAdjusting Child LockSettingscootooe¢ Changingthe PasswordTurningChild Lock On or Off Adjusting Child LockSettingscoot ooe¢ Adjusting CanadianFrench RatingCanadian Englishratingchart Canadian FrenchratingchartTroubleshooting Care and Maintenance To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry clothLCD Displaypanel information Specification LcdtvTFT-LCD NtscSpecification oot oo ¢ Programming the Polaroid Universal Remote Control Direct Programming SetupAuto Code Search Setup Thismethoddoes not require use of the Device Code TableRemote Control ID Code List AOCCXC JBL JCBJVC KECMGA MTCNAD NECSSS SVATMK TVSABS CCEHI-Q MEI STS 20702 20558,20623,20867Kenwood 20490,20534 20717,21020,21149ABC KNCGOI HTSSKY Usdtv JVCNEC DKKNSM QEDSAE SastMCS 604=L32K56=00