This Owner’s Manual describes how to install, set up and operate a Vidikron Vision Model 90t or Model 100t DLP Projector.
Throughout this manual, the Vidikron Vision Model 90t and Model 100t DLP Projectors are referred to collectively as the “Vision 90t/100t.” The information in this manual applies to both projectors except where otherwise indicated.
About This Manual
Vidikron has prepared this manual to help home theater installers and end users get the | Target Audience |
most out of the Vision 90t/100t. |
Vidikron has made every effort to ensure that this manual is accurate as of the date it was printed. However, because of ongoing product improvements and customer feedback, it may require updating from time to time. You can always find the latest version of this and other Vidikron product manuals
Vidikron welcomes your comments about this manual. Send them to info@vidikron.com. | If You Have Comments About |
| This Manual... |
Text Conventions: The following conventions are used in this manual, in order to clarify the | Textual and Graphic |
information and instructions provided: | Conventions |
•Remote and
•Computer input (commands you type) and output (responses that appear
•All keys with functional names are
•<Enter> indicates that you may press either the RETURN or ENTER key on your keyboard if it has both keys.
In addition to these conventions, underlining, boldface and/or italics are occasionally used to highlight important information, as in this example:
A carriage return must be used after each command or string.
Vidikron Vision Model 90t and Model 100t Owner’s Operating Manual | 1 |