4 Operation | Model 3190 | |
4.8“SetL” mode in the LED display
When you turn on the unit, it displays “” for a couple of seconds. This is to have an inspection that all segments of the display are all right. After the first two seconds, the LED display will show “SetL” and alternate with a countdown starting at 34.0. This countdown is to let the electronics settle and do a zero calibration of the electronics. Flowing “zero” gas or a sensor is not needed for this instrument adjustment. It is only an electronic zero calibration. The sensor is automatically disconnected by the 3190 hardware during this mode. As soon as the countdown reaches 0.00, the analyzer will go back to the normal mode of operation and the sensor is reconnected.
When the concentration rises above a point between 2000 to 3000 ppm (it changes from sensor to sensor) there are a few seconds where the display freezes. This is due to an automatic gain change to low gain. When the concentration drops and crosses a point between 3000 and 1500 ppm (it changes from sensor to sensor) the display will show “SetL” and alternate with a countdown of 30 seconds. This is due to an automatic gain change to high gain. It takes longer for the electronics to settle when switching to the high gain than when switching to low gain, that is the reason why the count- down only appears when the sensor reading is going down and not up.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments |