RCA P52730, P52731, P46732, P46738, P46731 Special Recording onto VCR, Connector do not come thru

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Special Recording onto VCR

(This connection only allows you to record on the VCR

whatever is currently being displayed on the TV screen)

This is not a common application for recording with your VCR, but you may fred !ituseful in certain situations. This connection _,ill let you record onto the VCR whatever is being displayed on the TV screen such as a TV program. You'll

also be able to record signals from another VCR (or similar device) that is connected to the TV's INPUT 1 or 2


Back of VCR

Back of "iV

I[ I




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The TV must remain turned on during







recording. If you change charmels on the


(Such as RCA #AH069G)




} _a_°_CT

"IV, the channel change will be recorded









on the VCR tape unless you pause the







VCR during recording.











Because your TV is cable-compatible, this









application may be used to record cable-TV


To see the signal from a device connected to the INPUT I jacks,

pro[,xams from the "IV onto a VCR that is not cable-

select channel 91. Select channel 92 to see the signal from a








device connected to


2 jacks.









You may also want to use this connection to dub or edit VCR

Notes: Signals from the S-VIDEO

connector do not come thru the

tapes with two or three VCRs. By connecting one VCR (or

SELECT OUT jacks. To record from an,S-Video component,

camcorder) to the INPUT 1 jacks and another VCR (or

remember to also connect the regular video cable to the VIDEO

cameorder) to the INPUT 2 jacks, you'll be able to selectively

INPUT I jack and then tune to channel 91.



edit and record whatever

is playing

on the TV

screen onto a



You will not

be able to record the picture-in-picture

inset picture or any

third VCR (or camcorder)


as shown

here to the





of the menus

or status






S-'VI-IS (Super VHS) VCR

S-Video Cable (such as RCA #186008)*

(This connection allows you to record TV programs and play back tapes.)



Coaxial Antenna Cable*

(such as RCA

(such as RCA #AH037)










Back of VCR

Shown here is one method of connecting your S-VHS VCR to


recording. When recording fromSELECT OUT jacks, rune the "IV to

your TV. Connect the S-VIDEO OUT connector on the back

channel 91 to see the signal fromthe S-V/IS VCR. When displaying

of the VCR to the S-VIDEOconnector on the back of your TV

picture-in-picture,the TV automaticallyminimizes any annoying

using an S-Video cable: Remember

to connect the audio

differences in tint between the small and large pictureby electronically

cables from the VCR to the INPUT


coupling the S-VIDEOinput to the VIDEO I input.

jacks on the back of the "IV. The S-Video cable carries only

Operation: If the S-VHS VCR is connected as shown above,



tune the TV to channel 90 to view whatever the VCR is playing.

Note: Remember to also connect the video cable for picture-in-

The word S-VIDEOwill appear on the TV when you select

picture viewing or if you plan to use the SELECT OUTjacks for

Channel 90.


*Optional accessories are availablefrom most RCA dealersand electronics supply stores.


Image 38
Contents Users Guide Mail Your Registration Card Today Record Vital Information HereTable of Contents May cause overheating, damage, or the risk of fire hazard Install batteries in remote control Details are onUnpack TV and accessories Position TV in roomTurn on TV, adjust the volume, and select a channel Set the clock Review other features Review menus+ Buttons VOL Volume ButtonsMenu Button Commercial Skip Parental Contro ChannelChannel Label Captioning Commercial Skip Channel LabelInstalling/Replacing Batteries Turn the remote control face downStep Then press Power button to turn on thatBasic Operation Theory Discover exactly which buttons will control itVOL Buttons TV ButtonChan Buttons Picture-in-Picture Buttons Number ButtonsArrow Buttons Starting Picture-in-Picture PIP 20 30 0 sO 60 70 80 ,0 Adjusting for a.Color Picture that Pleases You Custom Picture Memory for Input ChannelsPressing Converging Aligning the Colors --with remote onlyUntil the Convergence function is selected Or down Pressing VOL up orAdjust it + or- toTurning OnSRS Page Setting Closed Captioning with or without remote Turning Captioning OffSetting Sleep Timer with or without remote RemainingSetting the Alarm Time will stay set but the Alarm ON/OFFWhen finished, the display will Erasing LabelsActivatingParental Control with remote only Adding Video Input Channels to Channel Memory An active channel may be missedConnecting a cable-TVsystem or Changing Antenna Input with remoteSetting Up VCR Channels with or without remote SettingUp Cable Box Channel with or without remote Positioning Cables to Avoid Hum Plugging in Power CordsTurning Off Power Before Connecting Components Positioning Speakers to Avoid InterferenceScween Cab Scrambled Cable-TV Channels Back Ofvcr Programming Remote To Control with remote only Cable BoxScrambled Cable-TV Channels Operation Preferred MethodTG!roARreaeSeptithn Simplified MethodSelect OUT jacks. To record from an,S-Video component Connector do not come thruSpecial Recording onto VCR Chan Channel Buttons Number ButtonsDepending on which button you Power switch on their remote controlsProgramming Remote To Control Other Brands of VCRs VHS or Standard VHS Camcorder VHSor Standard VHS Camcorder@,@ Computers and Other Equipment with Audio/Video OutputsConnection Amplifier or Cassette Tape Deck Audio AmplifierAudio Cassette Recorder or Amplifier Programming Remote to Control Audio EquipmentReceiver Connecting Speakers to Back of TVSpeakers to Back of Amplifier or Helpful HintsAudio/Video Cables Compatible ComponentsGeneral Cable Information Antenna CablesForm Tocom Simple Touch,,, Remote ControlAccessoIv United States and Canada Orders To order accessories, contact your local dealerInternational Orders This offer is valid only in the 50 United States and CanadaPage Power Turns off while playingCantselectcertainchannel Noisystereoreception Noclosedcaptioning Turnonthe Captioning function How you get service What we will doButtons CommercialCRF Ting a Greener Future