RCA P46731, P52731, P46732, P46738, P52730 manual When finished, the display will, Erasing Labels

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Thelabelingfeatureletsyouprogram names(orlabels)forthechannel


willthenappearonthescreenbelow thechannelnumberwheneverthe


Eachnamecancontainuptofour characters,andyou'llbeableto assignupto64namesAfter64. namesorlabelshavebeenentered,

theTV will display this message to

let you know no more channels can be labeled: CHAN LABEL: FULL.

Listed below are the letters and

characters from which you'll be able

to choose when programming the channel labels:



(blank space) ! "# $ % &' ( ) _+ ,-./01234.56789:; <=>?@

Labeling Channels (with remote only)

1.Repeatedly press MENU.PROG to select SETUP MENU, and then press ÷ or - to display setup functions.

Repeatedly press MENU.PROG to select CHAN LABEL function.

oPress + to enter the CHAN LABEL function. Four blank letter frames will appear under the channel number.

5.Then press + to move to the next letter frame. Pressing - moves you back to the previous letter frame.

oRepeat steps 4 and 5 until the name is complete. You can now label another channel, if desired, by selecting the channel number and repeating steps 4 and 5.

DWhen finished, the display will

automatically disappear from the screen in a few seconds. Your

labels will remain in memory until you erase them. They are not affected by power failures.

You must use your remote control to create or erase labels.



Select the channel number you want to label by pressing the CHAN up or down button (or by pressing two number buttons),

Press and hold the VOL up or down button until the letter or character you want appears on the screen. Pressing VOL up sequences through the characters in alphabetical order.

Pressing VOL down sequences the letters in reverse order.

Erasing Labels

To erase a channel label, first follow

steps 1, 2, and 3 above, and then press CLEAR on the remote control. "

Note: Atitoprogramming new channels into the channel memory does not affect

the channel labels that are already entered.


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Contents Users Guide Mail Your Registration Card Today Record Vital Information HereTable of Contents Install batteries in remote control Details are on Unpack TV and accessoriesMay cause overheating, damage, or the risk of fire hazard Position TV in roomTurn on TV, adjust the volume, and select a channel Set the clock Review other features Review menusVOL Volume Buttons Menu Button+ Buttons Parental Contro Channel Channel Label CaptioningCommercial Skip Commercial Skip Channel LabelInstalling/Replacing Batteries Turn the remote control face downThen press Power button to turn on that Basic Operation TheoryStep Discover exactly which buttons will control itTV Button Chan ButtonsVOL Buttons Number Buttons Arrow ButtonsPicture-in-Picture Buttons Starting Picture-in-Picture PIP 20 30 0 sO 60 70 80 ,0 Adjusting for a.Color Picture that Pleases You Custom Picture Memory for Input ChannelsConverging Aligning the Colors --with remote only Until the Convergence function is selectedPressing Or down Pressing VOL up orAdjust it + or- toTurning OnSRS Page Setting Closed Captioning with or without remote Turning Captioning OffSetting Sleep Timer with or without remote RemainingSetting the Alarm Time will stay set but the Alarm ON/OFFWhen finished, the display will Erasing LabelsActivatingParental Control with remote only Adding Video Input Channels to Channel Memory An active channel may be missedConnecting a cable-TVsystem or Changing Antenna Input with remoteSetting Up VCR Channels with or without remote SettingUp Cable Box Channel with or without remote Plugging in Power Cords Turning Off Power Before Connecting ComponentsPositioning Cables to Avoid Hum Positioning Speakers to Avoid InterferenceScween Cab Scrambled Cable-TV Channels Back Ofvcr Programming Remote To Control with remote only Cable BoxScrambled Cable-TV Channels Preferred Method TG!roARreaeSeptithnOperation Simplified MethodConnector do not come thru Special Recording onto VCRSelect OUT jacks. To record from an,S-Video component Chan Channel Buttons Number ButtonsPower switch on their remote controls Programming Remote To Control Other Brands of VCRsDepending on which button you VHS or Standard VHS Camcorder VHSor Standard VHS Camcorder@,@ Computers and Other Equipment with Audio/Video OutputsAmplifier or Cassette Tape Deck Audio Amplifier Audio Cassette Recorder or AmplifierConnection Programming Remote to Control Audio EquipmentConnecting Speakers to Back of TV Speakers to Back of Amplifier orReceiver Helpful HintsCompatible Components General Cable InformationAudio/Video Cables Antenna CablesSimple Touch,,, Remote Control AccessoIvForm Tocom To order accessories, contact your local dealer International OrdersUnited States and Canada Orders This offer is valid only in the 50 United States and CanadaPage Power Turns off while playingCantselectcertainchannel Noisystereoreception Noclosedcaptioning Turnonthe Captioning function How you get service What we will doButtons CommercialCRF Ting a Greener Future