Setup : Satellite Setup – Sat. Ports
After you have selected the Dish type, you can choose the satellite port configuration. If Round dish is selected, then only the Satellite A configuration is available. If you selected Oval shaped dish, you can choose from the three configurations: Auto configuration, Sat. A and B, and Sat. A, B and C. If you select Auto configuration operation, the navigation buttons are disabled ntil the Digital Satellite Receiver completes the auto configuration.
qSat Set p
Sat Ports
Dish Pos
Sig Meter
Dish Type
Sat A and B
Sat A, B and C
Auto Configuration
Press uto setup satellite ports.
Satellite Setup – Sat. Ports Screen
Note: Please also refer to the installation manual for the satellite dish antenna for proper mounting procedure.
Press uand qbutton to setup satellite ports configuration.
Press pqbuttons to navigate among the choices - Sat. A and B, Sat. A, B and C, and Auto Configuration.
Select Sat A & B and Auto Configuration, if you have Oval shaped dish.
rPress ACTION button to save the selection. Press tbutton to return to Sat. Setup menu.