On the unit’s display (continued) | Page | |
Hor F | ≥There is something unusual. (The service number displayed after H and F depends on the | — |
| unit’s condition.) | |
| ≥Check the unit using the troubleshooting guide. If the service number does not disappear, | |
| do the following. |
| 1 Disconnect the plug from the AC outlet, wait a few seconds, then reconnect it. |
| 2 Press [POWER Í/I] to turn the power on. (The unit may be fixed.) |
| If the service number does not disappear despite doing the above, request service from |
| the dealer. Inform the dealer of the service number when requesting service. |
START | ≥The system is being restarted during the firmware update. Please do not turn off power. | 9 |
UPD/ | ≥The firmware is being updated. | 9 |
FINISH | ≥The firmware update is complete. | 9 |
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Abkhazian: | 6566 | Catalan: | 6765 | Gujarati: | 7185 | Lingala: | 7678 | Tamil: | 8465 | ||
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