The DX4104 mail feature sends an
•The mail feature is configured and operates independently from the emergency agent feature. When configured, the emergency agent feature sends an emergency text report to the designated computer on which the Emergency Agent application is installed. Refer to Emergency Notification Setup on page 65 for more information.
•To use emergency
•The DX4104 supports
The mail feature has the following guidelines:
•Notification: Turns the notification feature on and off.
•TLS: Select ON to use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) feature. By default, TLS is not enabled.
•SMTP Server: SMTP server IP address or host name. Supports up to 24 characters including to, a to z, A to Z, numerals 0 to 9, and special characters.
•SMTP Port No: SMTP port. The default TCP/IP port used for SMTP is 25. Supported values are 25 and 1025 to 65535.
•User Name: Name of user to be notified. Supports up to 24 characters including to, a to z, A to Z, numerals 0 to 9, and special characters.
•Password: User password. Supports up to 24 characters including a to z, A to Z, numerals 0 to 9, and special characters.
•Mail Address (1 to 3): User’s
The SMTP server IP address, port number, user name, and password are optional settings. The DVR can send
To set up mail notification:
1.On the toolbar, click the Setup icon .
2.Click the Network icon .
3.To select mail notification, in the Mail section:
a.Select the Notification check box.
b.In the SMTP Server box, type the serve user name.
c.(Optional) In the SMTP Port No. box, type the port number if it is not 25.
d.In the User Name box, type the user name where
e.In the Password box, type the password.
f.In the Mail Address1 box, type the
g.Repeat step 3f to for additional
4.To save the changes, click the Live icon , and then click OK.
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