Remote Viewer - Overview
Type the DVR’s IP address or domain name into the address bar in Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ and press
When the Security warning window appears, confirm to install the “DVR Remote Viewer”.
You should install the remote viewer component manually. Please install DVR Remote Viewer Setup.exe.
Connect the remote viewer next time, click the shortcut icon on desktop.
When WEB SERVICE PORT was set by 80 in 2. INTERNET & NETWORK - SERVICE PORT & DDNS menus, type IP address or domain into the address bar in Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ However, when port number is not 80, you must type port number behind IP address or domain. (ex. http://IP address or domain:port number)
If your DVR is installed under firewall or internet sharing router, you should set port forwarding, DMZ and other settings.
DVR IP Address or Domain
Service Port
User ID
ClicLog In button
Show DVR list
Save P/W
DVR list
Add DVR in the list
Type DVR Name
Delete DVR in the list
<Log In window>
To connect to your DVR, click the connection button. Select user ID and enter user password and port in the login dialog box. If you want to save information of
<LIVE Mode (NORMAL)> | <LIVE Mode (FULL)> |
If you want to change NORMAL screen mode to FULL screen mode, click the icon.