The newly found pro- grammes are also stored in the programme list, which is called up by pres-
sing twice. However, unlike in programme pool, these are not attached to the end of the list, but rather to the end of each available broadcasting sa- tellite programme. Here, the “~~~~~” placeholders availableintheprogramme list are overwritten by the new programmes. For “ASTRA 19° East“ satel- lite programmes, the pro- gramme positions from 0- 299 are reserved, for the
“HOTBIRD (EUTELSAT) 13° East” satellite pro- grammes, programme positions 300 to 799 are reserved.
Manual input (for experts)
If the parameters (satellite, frequency, polarisation, symbol rate) of the channel being searched for are known, the transponder search can be used.
If, for example, a new channel launches within a known channel group, a channel from that group can be preset by selecting the channel. The necessary parameters are then imported in the transponder search.
If “No signal!” is displayed on the “START” line, reception is not possible. Check the “Satellite”, “Frequency”, “Polarisation” and “Symbol rate” parameters again. The search can only be started if “Signal!” is displayed.
• Start the search by pressing the button
Encrypted channels are indicated by “$”. Channels that you do not want to import can be deleted individually with
the # button (blue).
New channels are indicated by “+”. Import the channels into the pool by pressing the button.
Path: MENU>Main menu>Search>Manual
If neither the satellite search nor the transponder search finds the channel you are looking for, you can enter all the relevant reception parameters in the “Manual input” function. Manual input is very useful, for example, if you know the reception data of the channel you are looking for, but the channel does not broadcast all the time.