Toshiba D-VR5SU owner manual Connect to a TV with Hdmi output

Page 21
480p (Progressive)
480p (Progressive)
480i (Interlace)
￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿%￿&￿''￿(￿￿￿￿￿￿￿'￿￿￿￿￿& 720p (Progressive)￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿480p￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿(Progressive)￿￿￿￿!"￿￿￿￿￿￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ !$￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿
1080i (Interlace) 480p (Progressive)
The content of the output￿￿￿￿for each ouput jacks are as shown in the following table and differ depending￿￿￿on output setting￿ .￿￿￿￿￿
￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿
* When the HDMI/Progressive is active, it is impossible to output any video images from the Video out jack and S-Video out jack. In this case, press PROG/HDMI repeatedly to switch the HDMI/Progressive output setting to ÒOFFÓ or set the TV to Component input mode/HDMI input mode.
¥ PROG/HDMI button is not available during VCR mode.
¥ 720p and 1080i are available when the unit is connected to the HDMI-compatible display.
¥ When the HDMI mode is active, the HDMI indicator ÒHDÓ on the display window will light up.
¥ If the HDMI cable is disconnected when the HDMI mode is active, the HDMI indicator ÒHDÓ on the display window will flash. In this case, press PROG/HDMI repeatedly to switch the HDMI output setting to ÒOFFÓ, or connect the HDMI cable again.
¥ When the progressive mode is active, the Progressive indicator Ò Ó on the display window will light up. ¥ When the HDMI mode is active, you cannot use Dubbing function (see pages 78 and 79).
¥ If your TV is not compatible with progressive scan, press and hold the STOP button on the front panel for about 3 seconds to return to normal picture.
1. Turn ON the TV and set to the appropriate input mode (HDMI or Component).
2. Press PROG/HDMI on the remote control to change the video output signals (HDMI/Progres- sive) as below.
HDMI Cable (not supplied)
¥ Refer to the ownerÕs manual for the TV to be connected to this recorder for more information concerning HDMI connections.
¥ HDMI is an evolving technology, so it is possible that some devices may not operate properly with this recorder. ¥ No sound will be output from the HDMI OUT jack if the ÒDOLBY DIGITAL OUTPUTÓ is not set to ÒPCMÓ (see
page 32).
Switching the output signals (HDMI/Progressive)
For proper operation, it is recommended that you use as short an HDMI cable as possible.

Connections with the TV or audio component

Connect to a TV with HDMI output

HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. HDMI transfers digital audio and uncompressed digital video on a single cable. As a result, audio cables and video cables donÕt need to be connected separately to a device. In addition, HDMI is compatible with HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection).

HDMI-compatible display




2J40101A P12-22


3/4/06, 10:43 AM

Image 21
Contents VR5SU Location of the required Marking IntroductionAccessories CleaningPower Source POWER-CORD ProtectionLightning Power LinesOverloading Object and Liquid EntrySafety Check Replacement PartsConnecting Laser Beam Disc TrayContents Recording Tape playbackEditing the disc DubbingPlayback function FeaturesRecording function Edit functionHandling discs DiscDiscs which can be played back Discs which cannot be played backVideo mode VR modeDiscs on which video can be recorded Recording formatWhen recording in the Video mode When recording in the VR modeDisc playback in other players Title/Chapter/TrackParts and functions FrontRear Appears when a CD-R is inserted Appears when a CD is insertedAppears when a CD-RW is inserted Appears when a DVD-Video is insertedInput Select Remote controlInserting Batteries into the Remote Control Power SourceRemote control basics To USE AC Power SourceSeparate UHF and VHF antennas Combination UHF/VHF antenna with 75 ohm coaxial cableDVD/VCR to TV Connection Antenna connections Cable TV connections Using the DVD/VCR tuner to select channels Allows Recording of nonscrambled channels AllowsTo connect Connections with the TV or audio component To switch the output signals Progressive/InterlaceConnect to a TV with Audio/Video output Connect to a TV with S-Video outputConnect to a TV with Hdmi output Connecting the optical digital cable Connect to a stereo amplifier with audio outputConnect to an AV Amplifier with built-in digital surround Auto clock setting Auto clock setting / Setting the video channelSetting the video channel PreparationUsing the Setup Menu Various settingsEnter OSD Language Setting the languageDVD Menu AudioTemporarily cancelling parental con- trol Setting the parental controlTo cancel the locked parental control level Selecting parental controlClock manually Setting the clockAuto Clock Standard Time Time zoneNEW Disc Format Setting the discReformat FinalizeSetting the disc / Other System Setup Protect DiscUndo Finalize Still Mode Setting the screenTV Screen LINE1 INPUT/LINE2 InputBrightness Setting the image quality / Setting the audioDRC External Audio InputSetting the audio / Setting the recording TV/CABLE Select Setting the channel / Setting other itemsAuto CH Memory Jpeg IntervalPlayback procedure Disc playbackPress OPEN/CLOSE Preparation Playback by selecting a titlePress Title Menu Title MenuChecking media information Symbols indicate that the player is in chase playbackCurrent recording PositionSpecial playback Instant skip / Locating a specific scene Play mode screen will appearInstant skip Locating a specific sceneInstant replay Repeat playbackRepeat playback Title, Chapter repeat playbackTitle selection / DVD menu Title selectionDVD menu Changing angles Changing angles / Zooming / Karaoke playbackZooming Karaoke playbackChanging soundtrack language SubtitlesTo turn off the PBC Video CD Version Various operations on CD ENTER, Òhideó will be canceledPlaying back a selected track Excluding specified trackRepeat playback of selected track Random playbackRepeat playback of all tracks Playing back programsWhen the file to be displayed is selected Using the Browser screenMP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX playback Limitations on MP3/WMA/ JPEG/DivX CD playbackPlaying back MP3/WMA files MP3 CDPress Enter to play the selected picture Playing back Jpeg filesDivX¨ video specifications MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX¨ playbackPlaying back DivX video files Loading and unloading a cassette tape Cassette tape playback Forward/Reverse picture search modeTo stop playback To rewind the tape or forward it rapidlyPicture search Adjusting tracking conditionStill picture Slow motionZero Return function / Video index search system Zero Return functionVideo index search system Types of disc Read this before recording on discRecording modes Disc remaining timeCopy Free unrestricted recording Images that cannot be recordedCopy Never recording prohibited Copy Once one-time recordablePress the numeric keys or CH / to select the channel to be Recording a TV programVHF/UHF/CABLE Channels Press REC/OTRTo stop recording Auto Rewind featureTo stop recording temporarily Recording one program while watching anotherTo cancel OTR One-touch Timer Recording OTRRecording mode For the recording mode, see on Set the TV/CABLE option to the appropriate position SeeTimer recording Setting timer recording PreparationPress Setup Setup Menu screen appears Press To select Òendó and press Enter Once Recording on the selectedChecking or changing the timer recording Stopping the timer recordingCancelling the timer recording Case Timer programs-overlapStill playback Chase PlaybackFast forward/Review playback Locating a chapterStereo recording and playback Output selectionOutput selection for DVD Original title Editing the discPlaylist Editable itemsEditing a playlist Creating a playlistPress Editing menu of original title will appear Press Enter Keyboard screen will appear Changing a title nameUse the keyboard screen to enter the title name Press Display to return to the title menuErasing a scene Edit title To select the playlistPress Enter Edit Title screen will appear Editing the disc Combining the title Erasing a playlist Editing an original title Adding a chapter markPress Enter ADD Chapter Mark screen will appear Combining chapters Changing an original title name # *&% Press To select the original title Erasing an original titleChanging a disc name Changing a disc nameYou can change a disc name from the title menu Press To select Òdisc Nameó To display the editing menuKeyboard screen types Using the keyboard screenInputting characters There are two methods for inputting charactersErasing a character Cancelling character input functionSelecting between uppercase and lowercase letters Determining a nameDubbing Dubbing a tape onto a discYou can record video or audio on a video tape onto a disc ENTER. Dubbing startsDubbing a disc onto a tape ¥ To cancel dubbing, press STOP, or select Ònoó and pressDubbing only the specified titles or the playlist Dubbing startsWhen a video is recorded using this unit Preparation Dubbing using other equipment¥ Turn on the TV and set the unit to the video input mode You can connect another VCR or camcorder to dubbingDubbing Cable GlossaryDTS MP3PBS Language code list Problems and troubleshooting Symptoms Possible Solutions DVD/VCRDVD Video head cleaning Problems and troubleshooting / Video head cleaningSymptoms Possible Solutions VCR Video head cloggingCause Possible Solutions Error/Warning message listGeneral SpecificationsVCR section DVD sectionLimited Ninety 90 Day Warranty on Labor Limited warrantyHow to Obtain Warranty Services Memo 2J40101A P88-BACK 06, 1046 AM