1.Use the Left/Right buttons [ ] to select “Account” menu tab. The menus are displayed with options in the
(highlighted menu) can be moved using the directional buttons [ ]. Press
1)User/Name: The DVR comes preconfigured with ADMIN. Select a User 1~10, and then activate it by setting to ON.
a.Name Length: up to 10 characters.
b.Characters: A to Z, numerals 0 to 9.
2)Privilege: Admin can define each user’s Privilege, such as PLAYBACK, PTZ CONTROL, BACKUP, CONFIGURATION (except for Disk and System), RECORD STOP, and SYSTEM SHUTDOWN.
3)Network: The DVR comes preconfigured with a System Password for Network access for Admin and/or Deny for User. It is possible to create different passwords for Network access; choose using [Custom P/W].
a.Password Length: up to 14characters.
b.Characters: A to Z, numerals 0 to 9.