Thank you for purchasing the Sit’n’Stroll
way to travel with an infant.
The most important benefit the Sit’n’Stroll™ can provide is increased protection for your child. Studies have shown the use of a child restraint system reduces the likelihood of death and injury caused by the tremendous forces involved in an automobile accident. Please follow these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of injury or death to your child in the event of a sudden stop or collision. No system can guarantee the safety of your baby, but child restraints have been proven so effective they are required in all 50 states and by most industrialized nations in the world.
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons.You must register this restraint to be reached in a recall. Send your name, address and the restraint’s model number and manufacturing date to Safeline Corporation, 1777 South Bellaire Street, Suite #330, Denver, Colorado 80222 or call