A downframe cable is used to connect the bottom connector of the RPC card to a downframe card.
Figure 33. DFC Cable
Downframe Cards
The following downframe cards are available for the System 9770:
If you are downframing to only one bay, the downframed bay can be populated with either DFL or DFC cards.
If you are downframing to more than one bay, each bay between the first and the last must be populated with DFC cards, and the termination jumpers must be set in the unterminated position. The last bay can be populated with either DFL or DFC cards. You must terminate the video signal at the final point in the downframe configuration, which could be either of the following:
•If you are not looping video out from the final bay, terminate the video at the DFL or DFC cards in the final bay.
•If you are using the DFL card in the final bay, and are looping video to another device, terminate the video signal at the final device.
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