Q:What batteries should I use?
A:Use two 1.5V silver oxide batteries SR44 (Eveready
Q:Why doesn't the battery chamber cap fit?
A:If you also own an
Q:When should I check the batteries?
A:(1) When new batteries are inserted. (2) After the camera hasn't been used for a long time. (3) Before beginning a prolonged period of use.
Q:Can film be properly exposed when the selec-
tor lever is in the "OFF" position?
Q:Can I set the shutter speed ring to any posi-
tion to take pictures on AUTO mode?
A:Any position except "B".
Q:Why is the automatic exposure shutter speed
much longer than indicated by the meter in the viewfinder?
A:If film is not loaded, the shutter speed is much longer than that indicated. If it is necessary to obtain a correct reading with- out actually taking a picture, insert a waste, undeveloped film or the paper you find be- hind the camera back at the purchase of your
Q:Can I use the exposure compensation dial when the selector lever is set at the "MAN- UAL" position?
A:Yes. If the exposure compensation dial is set for an intentional over- or