G l o s s a r y
CIELab | A device independent color space that defines colors according to |
| lightness (L), redness/greenness (a), and yellowness/blueness (b). |
color gamut | See gamut. |
colorbars target | A .dpx file provided with the Display Manager System that can be |
| used to manually calibrate an HD/SD display. Project this file |
| through your imaging software to adjust the brightness and pluge |
| of your monitor. This file is located in the Images folder. |
colorimeter | A measurement device that measures luminance, Y and |
| chromaticity, x, y. |
correlated color | (CCT) A measurement in Kelvins of the color appearance of a light |
temperature | source. |
dark gain correction | An adjustment to the sensor that eliminates inherent noise. |
display aim | The desired brightness or luminance values that you want |
| calibration to match for your display. Set these values from the |
| Options > Setup window. |
display mode | The type of calibration you perform in the Display Manager |
| System, Auto or Manual. During automatic calibration adjustments |
| are done via the enable cable. During manual calibration, the user |
| makes the adjustments from the monitor controls. |
enable cable | A cable used to interface between a CRT monitor and a computer |
| during automatic calibration. |
framing | The process of cropping an image to fit into the specified aspect |
| ratio. |
gamma | A measurement of the relationship between the voltage input and |
| the brightness of your monitor. |
gain | The percent of increase between the input signal and the output |
| signal. |
gamut | The range of colors that a device can produce. Also called color |
| gamut. |
HD | High definition displays that can display 1080 and 1035 interlaced |
| lines of resolution along with 720 and 1080 progressive lines of |
| resolution in a 16:9 aspect ratio. |
illuminant | A physical or emulated light that is defined by its spectral power |
| distribution. |
kdm.ini file | The default data file containing the system settings information. |
| This file is used by the system each time it opens. After the Display |
9 8 | K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e |