V i e w i n g a n d C u s t o m i z i n g L o o k s
•Load Transform: Click to open a browser window where you can select a transform to apply to the image. A transform can be any of the following:
•characterization file (.chr)
•encrypted 3D LUT (.e3d)
•3D LUT (.3dl)
•1D LUT (.1dl)
•Wide Color Gamut encoded 3D LUT (.3dl)
For a digital projector or HD/SD display, load the characterization file that you created using the Manual Characterization Assistant. See “Manual Characterization” on page 44. The file that you load here should be the characterization data that you want to use, or a previously created LUT that you would like to apply to an image.
1D LUTs provide a tonescale emulation of the projected print film. 3D LUTs provide both tonescale and color emulations.
Wide Color Gamut encoded LUTs imported to the viewer will not look correct. These LUTs are not intended for preparing an image for display on a computer monitor.
•Build Transform: Click to apply the look to the image in the Viewer.
•Export Transform: Click to save a LUT to a file. You can export the following transform types, depending on the purchased license:
•encrypted 3D LUT (.e3d)
•3D LUT (.3dl)
•1D LUT (.1dl)
•Wide Color Gamut encoded 3D LUT (.3dl)
•Digital Projector Format LUT
•KODAK VISION2 HD System LUT (.xml)
•Save Settings: Click to save the settings for the look you create. If you save as kdm.ini, the system loads those settings when it opens.
•Close Viewer: Click to close the Viewer and return to the main window.
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