B e fo r e C a l i b r a t i n g
Display Aim:
Enter the desired White Luminance for the monitor in
Display - Automatic Calibration:
The automatic calibration process tries to match all the values that you enter in this section.
•From the Target
•Set the Dark (code value). We recommend using the default settings.
•To override the projector Luminance and Chromaticity aim, check Override Projector Aim for Dark Patch. The value fields become active and you can enter new values for Dark Luminance (Y) and Dark Chromaticity (x,y). We recommend using the default settings.
The Use Print Film Calibration Settings checkbox is available in the Display Manager System Print Film Edition. Select this checkbox to use the Print Film target values in calibration.
2 6 | K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e |