Kodak 4F3882 manual Creating a Print Film Look, To create a print film look

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V i e w i n g a n d C u s t o m i z i n g L o o k s

Creating a Print Film Look

Selections pertinent to emulating print film are available in the Print Film tab.

To create a print film look:

1.Open the Viewer. See “Opening the Viewer” on page 49.

2.Load an image. See “Loading an Image” on page 58.

3.Click Load Transform to select and load the appropriate .chr transform.

4.Click the Print Film tab if it is not already selected.


This tab is only available if you load a .chr file.

5.Select the appropriate settings.

Printer Lights: Adjust the printer lights with the slider bars.

LAD values: Enter the desired LAD values.

Status A: If you measure the Status A densities of your LAD patch, you can enter those values here. The default values shown are the typical Status A aim values for LAD.

Film: Select the print film type that you want to emulate. Load a DLogE file to further refine your match using the control strip data from your print process. The DLogE file should be an ascii file with 21 rows x 3 columns corresponding to the patches on an ECP-2D strip. Comments may be included in the file preceded by the # sign. Files are typically denoted with a .dle extension. Note that once a DLogE file is entered, the print film type selection will read "User".

Use Print Film Transform: Select to enable the print film look and apply the selections that you make on this tab. (If unchecked, the settings selected on the Video tab are used.)

Use Gamut Remap: Select to enable gamut remapping. Select the type of remapping on the Advanced tab. To disable gamut remap, deselect this checkbox. See “Gamut Remap Settings” on page 60.

6.Click Build Transform to display your changes in the Viewer.

7.Click Export Transform to save the LUT you have created.

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K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e

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Contents Display Manager system User guide Page Display Manager System USER’S Guide Page AB O U T T H I S BO O K Page TA B L E O F CO N T E N T S Calibration Verifying Appendix C Regulatory Information T RO D U C T I O N Types of Licenses Print Film Edition VISION2 HD SystemHow it Works CalibrationCharacterization Viewing and Customizing a Look VerificationMain Window Generic Monitor Support Enable Cable USB Cable ECCSupported Hardware Supported DisplaysSupported Sensors Windows MAC OS Irix OS Linux OSGetting Help Install the Software Windows and Macintosh Operating System InstallationTo install on a Windows or Macintosh Operating System Irix Installation To install on an Irix systemGunzip KDMV4Irix.tar.gz Tar xf KDMV4Irix.tar Linux Installation To install on a Linux systemConnect the Hardware To connect the enable cable Rite SensorsTo position the sensor during calibration Rite Monitor Optimizer DTP92+EK Do not apply a cleanser to the suction cup To connect the sensorSequel Sensors Sequel Chroma 4/C USB Sensor for CRT MonitorsSequel Chroma 4/L USB Sensor Sequel Chroma 4/C Serial Sensor for CRT Monitors Go to Options Setup Click Type and select PhotoResearch PR-650Click Type and select Minolta CS-100A Obtain Your License To purchase a licenseManager System/Licenses Open the Display Manager System Renewing Your LicensePage Be FO R E CA L I B R a T I N G Preparing the Viewing Environment and MonitorSetting the Options Print Film Calibration Setup Projector AimDisplay Aim Display Automatic CalibrationWhite Patch Video Calibration SetupAim Settings Dark PatchDisplay Setup Sensor SetupTolerances Setup Use Video Calibration SettingsTiming Setup Directories SetupTo save all settings at once Go to File Save Settings Saving and Loading SettingsTo load a customized .ini file Go to File Load Settings To create a customized .ini fileCA L I B R a T I O N Automatic CalibrationCalibration Procedure To automatically calibrate a monitorIf you are prompted to perform a Dark Gain Correction L i b r a t i o n L i b r a t i o n Monitor Evaluation To evaluate your monitorManual Calibration To manually calibrate a monitor or HD/SD displayL i b r a t i o n Click Measure Primaries Click Measure Once or Measure ContinuousProceed to Characterization on Page CH a R a C T E R I Z a T I O N Automatic CharacterizationTo automatically characterize your monitor A r a c t e r i z a t i o n If characterization failed, see Characterization Failure on Manual Characterization To manually characterize When you are finished, click File Save Characterization File Editing a Characterization Table Shortcut Keys for the Assistant TaskVI E W I N G a N D CU S T O M I Z I N G LO O K S Opening the ViewerTo open the Viewer Using the Viewer Global OptionsTo Quick Verify Chart with the results is displayed E w i n g a n d C u s t o m i z i n g L o o k s Playback Controls Toolbar Information Pop-up OptionsViewer Shortcut Keys Task KeyCreating a Print Film Look To create a print film lookCreating a Video Look To create a video lookLoading an Image Framing Settings Advanced OptionsGamut Remap Settings Mode DescriptionTransform Bit Depth Surround Compensation Work in a dark environment whenever possibleRecorder Compensation Example file neutral-based compensationExample file neutral- and color-based compensation On the Advanced tab, click Recorder CompensationTransform Rescale Page Verifying the Monitor Setup To verify monitor setupVE R I F Y I N G Verification window opens when the correction is complete Data verify Verifying the Print Film Look To verify the print film lookVerification window opens when the correction is complete Ve r i f y i n g VerifySetupResults or VerifyPrintFilmResults Verification LogsMonitor Setup Verification Log TRO U B L E S H O O T I N G Calibration Failure Characterization Failure Verification FailureDark Gain Correction Failure Sensor Does Not Adhere to Screen Sensor Needs to be ReplacedSensor Fails to Initialize USB Device Is Not RecognizedEnable Cable Does Not Recognize the Monitor License Has ExpiredLicense File Does Not Work Unable to Build or Export a Transform Unable to Load an ImageUnable to Load a Transform Calibrate Icon Is Not AvailableMy 1D LUT Does Not Match my 3D LUT Problem with the .ini FileImaging Product Cannot Find LUT My Wide Color Gamut Encoded LUT Does Not Look CorrectClick the Troubleshooting tab Image Does Not Appear in the ViewerTr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Results Are Not as Expected Super Bright Capable Display will not Calibrate Difficulty Navigating the Online User’s GuideHot Links Paging Through the User’s Guide AP P E N D I X a SY S T E M RE Q U I R E M E N T S Windows Operating System Minimum RequirementsMAC OS Minimum Requirements Irix Operating System Minimum Requirements Linux Operating System Minimum RequirementsAdditional Software and Hardware Page AP P E N D I X B SH O R T C U T KEY S Display Manager System Shortcut KeysManual Characterization Assistant Shortcut Keys Viewer Shortcut Keys AP P E N D I X C RE G U L a T O R Y in FO R M a T I O N EU Weee GL O S S a R Y Display mode TemperatureOptions Setup window Enable cableAssistant SPD See projector SPDVISION2 HD System See Kodak VISION2 HD System D EX D e Macintosh Rite Page Eastman Kodak Company