I n t r o d u c t i o n
Supported Hardware
The following hardware is recommended for use with the Display Manager System.
Generic Monitor Support
The Display Manager System supports many different monitors but not all monitors can be automatically calibrated by the system. Most
The first time that you initiate an automatic calibration, you are prompted to attach a sensor to the monitor so that the system can assess if the monitor can be automatically calibrated.
Before running this evaluation, set your monitor to Expert mode and turn off the Super Bright mode if applicable.
You are then notified if the monitor can be automatically calibrated. If it cannot, you can manually adjust your monitor using SMPTE standard procedures and the supplied colorbars chart. For more information, see “Manual Calibration” on page 36.
This evaluation runs whenever you attach a monitor that was not previously tested with the system and then initiate automatic calibration.
Supported Displays
In addition to displays that can be automatically calibrated, you can use the Display Manager System with LCD monitors, HD/SD displays, and digital projectors. We recommend cinema grade digital projectors.
Enable Cable (USB Cable ECC 1)
An enable cable is required to transfer data from your monitor to your computer. This cable can be obtained through Kodak. Contact your service representative.
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