Before you begin to calibrate, make sure that you:
•Prepare the monitor and viewing environment
•Setup the system options for calibration, sensors, tolerances, display, timing, and directories
•Load specific settings, if previously saved
You do not need to setup the system options each time you calibrate. When the system opens, it automatically loads the settings that you save in the kdm.ini file. Or you can create and load a customized .ini file. See “Saving and Loading Settings” on page 30.
Preparing the Viewing Environment and Monitor
•Let the CRT monitor warm up for at least one hour. LCD monitors take 10 to 15 minutes to warm up.
•Set your power save mode to Never.
•Disable your screen saver.
•Set your screen resolution to at least 1280 x 1024.
•Dim the room lights or cover the screen with a dark cloth. There should be no light shining on the screen or on objects that might reflect on the screen.
•Set the monitor in Expert mode, if available.
a)From the panel at the front of the monitor, select COLOR.
b)Use the left and right arrow buttons on the panel to highlight the Expert tab, where you see the bias and gain settings.
For some monitors, the Expert mode is already selected as the default.
•If you have a newer SONY monitor that has a Picture effect button on the panel at the front of the monitor, press this repeatedly until the message DYNAMIC appears on screen.
•Set the monitor color quality to the highest possible value (at least 16 bits).
•If your display supports Super Bright mode, turn off the Super Bright mode by repeatedly pressing the SB button on the front of the monitor until the screen reads “Super Bright Mode Off”.
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