Recording Features
Tally Light
The microphone picks up the sound during a recording. It is more sensitive to sounds coming from the direction the lens is pointed.
Flying Erase Head
A separate erase head is mounted on the spinning headwheel (hence the term “flying”).
This allows you to make clean edits without the “glitches” or “rainbow noise” that may occur.
Tally Light
The tally light on the front of the camcorder lights when the camcorder is recording.
Quick Review
Press and release EDIT SEARCH FF
(REW on remote) when the camcorder is in record pause to review the last few seconds of a recording.
The camcorder will play back the last few seconds of the recording, return the tape to its previous position, and return to record pause.
Note: Do not press and hold EDIT SEARCH
FFor the camcorder will go into edit search.