TV-IP612P/WN (Wireless N) Pan/Tilt/Zoom Internet Camera
Step 3 Setup DDNS Settings
To synchronize the public IP address of the Modem, when it has been modified, use the DDNS service settings. You must supply the Username and Password when utilizing the DDNS service.
Server Address: Select your service providers Dynamic DNS web address..
Host name: Enter the Domain name you were given from the DDNS service provider
User name: Enter the account user name your DDNS service provider has given you.
Password: Enter the password associated with the DDNS account user name.
Verify Password: Repeat the password as entered above to verify it.
Timeout: - This setting is the notification period in hours when the camera sends a current global IP address update to the DDNS server configured above. The default is 576 hours. You can setup how often the camera notifies the DDNS server of its current global IP address. By default this is 576 hours.
Click Next to continue to step 4
Step 4 Camera Name Settings
You can assign the camera a name here. Please enter the name and then click next to continue to step 5.