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The ProTwin is used to obtain extremely short flash duration, very quick recycling or to get 4800 Ws out of one single head. There are two flash tubes in a ProTwin. As the flash duration is shorter at low power settings, and as only half of the desired power is used in each tube, consequently shorter flash duration is obtained. For example if you need 1200 Ws, you fire 600 Ws from each tube, and your flash duration is shorter than if a standard ProHead is used. The flash dura- tion at 1200 Ws with a ProHead is 1/2200 while it is only 1/3200 with a ProTwin. One or two generators can be used.
If, on the contrary, you require 4800Ws from one head you connect ProTwin to two
Flash duration and recycling for a ProTwin at a certain power setting - for example 1200 Ws - compares with a ProHead set at 600 Ws.
The modelling light is turned on and off with the black switch
[1]at the back of the head. The fan is controlled by a
[2]after which the fan operates continuously.
Please note that when changing modelling light, flash tube
10.15.18Glass Cover, frosted,
10.15.19Glass Cover, frosted, extra
10.15.20Glass Cover, frosted, uncoated + 300° Kelvin
10.15.21Glass Cover, clear,
10.15.23 Glass Cover, clear, uncoated + 300° Kelvin