[1] | [2] | [3] |
Energy Distribution
When only one lamp head is in use, choose the A socket. Only the A socket can be used to release the generator’s total energy to one lamp head. Use dial A to adjust energy in 1/3 f:stop increments from full (1/1) down to (1/8) energy, which is equivalent to four [4] f:stops.
PLEASE NOTE ! When the dial is positioned to release more than 1/2 energy (within the area marked A ONLY) always point the dial B towards the red indicator [16]. If this is not done, the indicator lamp will light up. The audible signal will
sound and flash release will not be possible. When the dial is
pointed within the ”A ONLY” area, the flash is only released to
the lamp head connected to socket A, even if other lamp heads are connected to the B sockets. When a second lamp head is connected to socket B1 use dial B to adjust energy in 1/3 f:stop increments, from half energy (1/2) down to one sixteenth energy (1/16), which is equivalent to four [4] f:stops. When the dial is pointed within the B1 ONLY area, the flash will not be released through B2 even if a lamp head is connected.
PLEASE NOTE! To release a flash through B socket(s) dial A must be pointed to less than 1/2 energy. If not, an audible signal will sound and the red lamp [16] will light up at the B dial 1/2 position. When a third lamp head is connected to socket B2 use dial B to adjust energy in 1/3 f:stop increments from one quarter energy (1/4) down to one sixteenth energy (1/16). The B1 lamp head will follow i.e. when the B dial is positioned for 1/8 energy B1 and B2 will both receive 1/16 energy.