1Retracttheminiadvancedshoe coverinthedirectionofthearrow.
2Attachtheoptionalaccessoryto theminiadvancedshoe.
Whenacompatibleaccessoryis attachedtotheminiadvancedshoe,
,,_°o will appear on the screen.
| ||
| DirectionalStereoMicrophone. | |
(_ NOTES |
• Accessories designed for the Advanced Accessory Shoe |
| |
cannot be used with this camcorder. Look for video | ,o_'_ | |
accessories bearing | this logo to ensure compatibility with | Mini |
the mini advanced | shoe. | ADVANCEDSHOE |
Usingan ExternalMicrophone
When recording in very quiet surroundings, the
Using the
Using the
Operating modes:
Attach the optional
Video * 87