Miscellaneous Settings Page
Use this page to specify various other settings.
Recorded pictures and log messages are emailed to the specified recipient address via the specified mail forwarding server using the SMTP.
"Mail Server Host" Specifies the SMTP server.
"Sender's (From) Mail Address" Specifies the mail sender.
"Recipient Mail Address" Specifies the mail recipient.
"Use a dialup connection for sending
Selecting this checkbox establishes a dialup connection when mail is sent.
HTTP Server
"HTTP Port"
Sets the TCP port number for the HTTP. Enter a value between 1 and 65535. The default setting is No. 80.
Sets the time for which
"Global Address for Web Pages"
If a private address has been set in the VB150 and you want to use the router's NAT functions to have a fixed global address for the VB150 (d"Guide to Creating Web Pages for Video Distribution" P.22), enter a global address here, and this will let you view sample pages (→ "dGuide to Creating Web Pages for Video Distribution" P.3).
Sets the domain name server address.
"Name Server Address 1 to 3" Enter the addresses.
Enter the addresses from the top down. If you are only registering 1 or 2 addresses, the remaining fields can be left blank.
●A portion of the sample pages will not function if "HTTP Port" is set to a number other than 80 (→dGuide to Creating Web Pages for Video
Distribution P.18).
●To send mail using a dialup connection, specify the appropriate settings in “PPP Call Settings” (→ P.38). You can also set “Receive only (PPP)” in the “Receive and Call” setting. In this case, a PPP connection is only established when mail is sent.