4.3. INIT – Re-initialization of Values Set from Production
In case you lost view of GB 051
Command | XXppppINIT |
Pppp | Four digits of current PIN |
GSM Remote Supervision will be set to initial
Sender of Command receives message about correct reception of Command.
In case you do not know
4.4. ICALL – Regular Calling Free of Charge
If you want to be informed free of charge about correct function of GB 051 in set regular intervals following parameters provide it:
| XXppppICALLVnumber *1) |
Command |
| |
Pppp | Four digits of current PIN |
Number | Maximum 14 digits of number of any phone which allows |
| display of caller’s number *2) |
*1) The space is between key word of command „ICALL“ and value of parameter “number”
*2) Number can be entered in national format – e.g. 606445566 but also in international format – e.g. +420606445566.
| XXppppICALLINTVh *1) |
Command | |
Pppp | Four digits of current PIN |
HLength of intervals in hours – time interval of two successive calls. Value from 1 to 240 hours can be set. 168 hours set from
*1) The space is between key word of command „ICALLINT“ and value of parameter „h“
If you want to deactivate this functions set, send the command without parameter
–for example: XXppppICALL or XXpppICALLINT without further parameters.
4.5.MCALL – Monthly Calling
Some GSM operators require requires to carry out at least one paid phone connection in 3 months from this card in order to keep the SIM card working – otherwise the prepaid credit might expire. In order to prevent this from happening it is possible to enter a number into GB 051, which the unit will automatically call every month of operation, the phone call will be hung up 10 seconds after pick up.