CH. 8: NETWORKS | 06 Apr 2000 | PAGE 39 |
8.4.2DeviceNet Protocol
Some of the communication protocol features of DeviceNet consist of the following:
1.A DeviceNet product can behave as a Client, a Server or both.
2.Master/Slave operation.
3.Capable of
4.Capable of supporting 64 node addresses
5.Each node can support an unlimited number of I/O.
8.4.3DeviceNet Operation
The following restrictions are placed on operations when using an OS that is configured as a DeviceNet slave.
1.Currently, communication between the PC and the controller is only possible to the device physically connected to the PCs’ serial port. Project downloads, uploads, monitoring, and configuration cannot currently take place over a DeviceNet network.
2.The HE200CGM40x gateway card can not currently be used with DeviceNet communications. Horner Electric is providing a special Gateway device that is based on the OCS hardware. The Gateway device makes it possible to connect the PC serial port with the DeviceNet network.
3.DeviceNet network nodes are in a range from 0 to 63. The controller is able to observe network responses (polled connections) from any slave to the DeviceNet Master. The first