CH. 3: TIU100/101/102/103 | 06 Apr 2000 | PAGE 19 |
CHAPTER 3: TIU100/101/102/103
The TIU10X 128 x 64 pixel display, which allows for some graphics and various fonts to be displayed. . The hardware description is detailed in this chapter.
UP Key | DOWN Key |
Figure 3.1 - Front View of TIU100
3.2TIU10X Button Selection Actions
a)PAUSE key selects data for editing OR exits from data editing.
b)PAUSE & DOWN keys pressed together, enters sub menu pages.
c)PAUSE & UP keys pressed together, exits sub menus to the parent menu pages.
d)UP key selects the previous menu page, sub menu page, alarms, and increments data
e)DOWN key selects the next menu page, sub menu page, alarms and also decrements data.
f)ENTER key sends data to the automation equipment, accepts alarms, and displays accepted alarms.
3.3TIU10X Contrast Adjustment
On menu page 1 (after the
CONTRAST BAND - allows the user to set the lower and upper limits of contrast. Adjust the lower limit using the UP or DOWN key and press Enter when done. Do the same for the upper limit.
WARNING: - Changes to the lower or upper limits may allow the user to set the contrast to a setting where the display may appear blank. It is recommended that the factory setting are used (Min 8A, Max FE).